What's in a Name?



We're in Chicago now visiting the families and the boys have been loving the snow. I think we've spent at least an hour or more each of the last few days throwing snow balls and making snow men. They love it! The have even managed to get grandma (my mom) and Deda (Andy's dad) out playing with them (and my mom hates the snow!). We began our trip staying with Andy's parents. We typically stay with them towards the end of a trip, since their house is like a quiet respite after the mayhem and craziness of my large family, but we decided to switch things up this time. The boys have enjoyed themselves, but after a couple days they were really ready to see their cousins. Luckily that came today with a gathering at my sister's house. We had a great time catching up with everyone and the kids had a blast (meaning that I rarely saw them during the four+ hours that we were there, since they were too busy running around). I love seeing them interact with their big cousins, and its really fun to see how grown-up my nieces and nephews are getting.

Unfortunately Alex is not sleeping well on the road yet. This morning he slept until five am, which has been his latest morning yet. I love Alex, but at 4:30am I really don't feel the need to share my love with him. I am hopeful that tomorrow morning will be better (especially after playing with the cousins), but in case not I had better sign off.
Sweet dreams!

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