What's in a Name?


santa claus arrives!

Since we travel for Christmas each year, Santa comes to our house early so that we can have Christmas at home before we leave (isn't it nice how accommodating Santa is? I was no small feat pulling that off merely a couple weeks after we moved, but Andy and I did it!). We woke yesterday morning to a house full of presents and the boys had a blast. I think Santa went overboard a bit this year. I'm not sure if that is because of the move (wanting to spoil the boys a bit after uprooting their worlds) or if its because we forgot about some of the gifts that were purchased before the move, but they definitely made out. We had a lazy day in our pajamas and a wonderful Christmas dinner. The only thing missing was the snow, but hopefully we will see plenty of that when we go to Chicago later this week.

Our friends in MA and our families in Chicago have been keeping us posted on the cold weather. I think that I can certainly settle into the Charlotte weather, as we haven't worn our winter coats yet since we arrived. In fact, the weather has been unseasonably warm, and I had to find the boys shorts so they could play outside last week in the eighty degree weather. The only downside that I have found to the weather is that I had to do some shopping, since most of the clothes that fit me at this stage of my pregnancy are wool, but its a cross that I willingly bear.

We have met a number of our neighbors and are starting to get friendly with the locals. The good weather has helped since everyone is out. I am a little surprised at how many people we've met with ties to Chicago. In fact, a woman that I used to lifeguard with at the University of Illinois lives a few streets over. We were at the neighborhood children's Christmas party and she was talking to my neighbor (both women are pregnant - I've never seen so many round bellies!!) and I was wracking my brain trying to think of why I knew her. I haven't seen her in at least fourteen years, so it was a surprise to both of us to meet again. Small world. I have met a lot of friendly people and am starting to develop some friendships that I think will be good ones. Our neighborhood has a gazillion kids, so the boys are in heaven. We have been riding bikes to the park or with the neighbor kids most afternoons, so we are starting to branch out some. We all miss our friends though. Every time we go for a bike ride Alex asks if we are going to ride to Loretta's house. That would be one long ride little man!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys! Loretta asks to play with Alex and Devin daily but then corrects herself that we need to get on a plane to do that b/c the boys live "very very far away now, right mommy?". Take care and we need to see some belly photos!
