What's in a Name?


Andy shaved his goatee.

Yes. Andy shaved his goatee. For those of you thinking to yourselves, "I've never seen Andy without facial hair", well you are in good company. Andy and I have been together for more than ten years and I have never seen him without a goatee, except the winter when he grew a full beard. He came down last night after a shower and the goatee was gone. I was shocked. He looks twelve, or maybe sixteen. I like it, but I still do a double take when I see him. It feels good though. Devin has said that he likes Papa without it, but Alex likes him more "with the hair on". I haven't decided which I like more (with or without the goatee), but he seems happy. I realize that this is certainly picture worthy, and promise to post one soon.

Isabel continues to be a dream baby. Last night she was having an issue keeping the binki in her mouth after her 3:00 am feeding... so after I got up to put the binki in her mouth a zillion times between 3:30 and 4:45 am, I finally took her to bed with me. We slept soundly until 8:30. I think she just likes getting some night time cuddles. Who can blame her? At her doctor's appointment on Friday we learned that Isabel is up to 7 lbs 10 oz, so she gained seven ounces in a week! Still our little girl is only in the 25th percentile for weight. She's 21.25 inches long, which puts her in the 75th percentile for height, so Andy says she's a string bean. I'm sure it won't take her long to get big, after all her brothers started out long and skinny too!

1 comment:

annie422 said...

I'm still waiting to see pictures of Andy goateeless!