What's in a Name?


big girl!

It's official. Isabel is a big girl. Well, let me clarify... she is still a baby but she has made huge strides this week. First of all, she can officially feed herself. Granted, at least half of what we put on her tray lands on the floor, but the other half goes in her mouth, and that makes her a very happy little girl. Second, she is mobile. She can get anywhere she wants to go within about a six foot radius, although how she gets there resembles more of an inchworm than a proper crawl. Third, she can push herself up to a seated position. It's pretty wild to walk into her room to get her out of the crib and see her sitting there looking for you. I think we will need to lower the crib mattress again.
But here is the biggest news - Izzy finally cut a tooth! It's not visible yet, but I felt it today. She seems to be in a fair amount of pain, so I hope she'll get a bunch of teeth now and just get through it all at once. My baby is getting big!

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