What's in a Name?


perfect day

Sometimes we have these amazing picture perfect days that remind us why we have made the choices that we have made. One of these days was on Tuesday when we took a family trip to the zoo. Andy had the day off of work and the boys were off from school, so we made a day of it. We drove the hour+ to the zoo in Columbia while Isabel napped in the car and the boys watched a movie. The day was beautiful; sunny and fall-like (or football game weather, as I like to call it) and everyone in the family was excited. The boys were obsessed with doing it all. We saw the trainers feeding the sea lions, we watched the lion cubs playing, we fed the giraffes , we saw penguins and more cool birds than I could ever name. Other than a minor scuffle over the map (which was quickly alleviated by obtaining a second map), the boys were well behaved. Isabel was absolutely content to be pushed around in the stroller and watch her brothers run around.
My friends in different situations sometimes comment that they can't imagine having three little kids, but this what we wanted. I often miss our friends and family in the North, but I absolutely love the weather here. Andy sometimes wonders if he should have pursued something more entrepreneurial than banking, but his job has afforded us a lifestyle that we love.
Devin's favorite part of the day was seeing the elephants, Alex's was the tigers, and I am pretty confident that Andy's was seeing the penguins. My favorite part was spending the beautiful day outside with my family. I can't imagine anything better.

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