What's in a Name?


la bruja

Alex's classroom teacher told me that Alex saw the Spanish teacher in the hallway and called out "bruja" to her three times.  For those of you uneducated by Dora the Explorer, "bruja" means "witch". 
When I talked to Alex about this, I asked him if he knew what "bruja" meant and he hold me the correct answer.  Then I asked him if he thought Sra. Maestra was a witch.  He looked at me like I was crazy and said "no".  Then I asked him if he thought that Sra. Maestra liked being called a witch, and the lightbulb seemed to go on.  He said "no".  He likes Sra. Maestra and did not like the idea that he might have hurt her feelings or made her mad.  I don't know Sra. Maestra well, so I really have no gauge for her perspective.  I don't know if she thinks that my five year old was showing off his recently acquired Spanish vocabulary, or if she thinks that he was intentionally calling her a witch.
The newest Spanish that Alex has added to his growing vocabulary is "Lo siento".  I have a feeling that he will use that well throughout his life time. 
...er, at least as well as "bruja".

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