First, we are very excited to report that we are adding to the family again! We are expecting another little Blake in the spring. While many ask if we are hoping for a girl, we both agree that we would need a pretty tough girl to keep up with the likes of our two wild men. We would be truly thrilled for either a girl or a boy baby in our family. However, we fully intend to find out which we are having when the opportunity presents itself, since I am determined not to decorate our next nursery in gender neutral colors... its trucks and trains all the way or pink as pink can be!!
Our other crazy news is that we are relocating to Charlotte, NC. Andy was presented with a wonderful opportunity managing international projects for Wachovia (the parent company of his existing employer). Thankfully since Andy's new boss is based in Europe, this position should not mean a lot of travel for Andy, but it does mean that he needs to be at Wachovia's headquarters in NC. We have been busy preparing our house to list it in the coming week, and will be traveling to Charlotte in two weeks to look for houses. Andy will start his new position in the beginning of December, and we plan to move by the end of the year (if not before his start date). We are all very excited about this great opportunity not only for Andy, but for our growing family (Charlotte is really family focused and the weather is lovely!), but we are also very sad to leave behind our amazing friends (and "chosen family") in Massachusetts. Andy has already mapped out the drive, and Charlotte is a mere 14 hours from Shrewsbury, MA and about 13 hours from Chicago. When it snows during spring break, we welcome all Northerners seeking sunshine!!
We hope that everyone is doing well, and we promise more updates as we have them.
Love to all!
the text that changed my life
4 years ago