What's in a Name?


Happiness is...

spending a jammie day with my Buddy dog and my twinkle toes...


Making spirits bright

Some pictures from our very merry Christmas morning...

Devin is a little excited!

Alex's biggest Lego challenge yet!

merry merry

Devin quickly decided to take this show outside... before 8am.

Nothing like riding my new bike in my new boots with my new bear.

Buddy is enjoying his Christmas gifts.

Party Rockin in the House Tonight

Izzy and I doing a little Dancy Party 3!


We want snow!!

Isabel insists that it can't be Christmas without snow.  Even though the temps are in the fifties and sixties, she and Devin are prepared.


Christmas Card 2011

Here are some shots that didn't make the cut...  but they are still darn cute!


December is...

December is crazy. Too busy for words. So for December I will follow the mantra that a picture is worth a thousands words. 

my tiny dancer

Ta Da!!