What's in a Name?


Puppy Love

I mean seriously, how could you not love this little face?

After a good deal of research and a few dog sitting escapades, we are in the process of adopting a Goldendoodle (part Golden Retriever, part Poodle).  These dogs are good for allergies and they don't shed (wooohooo!!!!).  We have been looking to rescue a younger, hopefully well-trained dog, but found a puppy instead.  The people who tell you that having a puppy is like having a baby don't lie, and house training is not my favorite part of dog ownership.  And my already hectic schedule is a little more insane because I have to factor in trips to the house to let the dog out...but he sure is sweet and he sure is cute and the kids are in love.  So welcome Buddy.  We hope to make you ours.


Here he comes!

Alex is a smart kid.  We have known that for ages, but a psychologist confirmed that for us a year and a half ago when he was IQ tested.  So I wasn't phased when he was reading the "Rising Second Grade" books this summer... before starting first grade.  I was pretty impressed when he picked up a math sheet a couple weeks ago and knocked out the double digit addition (without carrying... but still!).  Then last night he amazed me.  As a stall tactic at bedtime, Alex asks us to give him math problems.  I decided to challenge him a bit, and I gave him this one.
"I have fifteen jelly beans and I want to give them to you, Devin and Isabel.  How many do I give to each of you so that it's fair and you have the same amount."  Alex was quiet for about ten or fifteen seconds, and then he said, "Five each".  So he's doing division. in his head. and he's six. 

Have fun in first grade tomorrow, little man!!


pictures from Chicago

We had a wonderful visit with the family in Chicago. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

Hennessy family picture with my cousin Donna!

A favorite among the cousins is climbing Grandma and Grandpa's tree.
Nothing more fun than a bucket of water.

Kindred spirits - Kaley and Izzy.
the Outlaws

Ryan is such a goofball.  No wonder Devin and Alex idolize him!

The littlest cousins playing in the pool!

Yes, they are sitting on the roof. 

Leger's and Blake's at the Arboretum

I believe I can fly...

This one just made me laugh - sooooo Alex!

We had such a great visit!  I forgot to bring my camera, so all these pictures are courtesy of my sister, Eileen.  Maybe if Aunt Jo sends me pictures of the Cubs game, I can post some of them too (hint, hint!).


The darnedest things

Sometimes kids really do say the most amazing things, and Devin is no exception.  Here are some from the last couple weeks: 
- The morning after the last of our trips this summer (where we were out of town all but a week and a half in a calendar month), Devin said to Alex, "Wasn't it great sleeping in your own bed last night?"
- We were talking about the kids going back to school, and upon learning that Isabel would be going to preschool, Devin said to me, "Mom, you're finally going to get some time to yourself!"
- I was getting ready to go out with Andy and I walked into the hallway where Devin said, "Wow!"  I asked him if I startled him, and he said, "No.  It's just, you look pretty.  I haven't seen that dress before."

I think I'm in love.


Tri Training Again

I don't think I ever posted a follow-up to this post a couple months ago when I was lamenting my too tight pants and considering triathlon training. Again.  After some hesitation and a "trial period" where we took on the juggling act of fitting triathlon training into our already busy lives, Andy and I decided to go for it.  We are in.  We are training for an Olympic distance triathlon in October.  What this means is that we don't sleep.  Sincerely.  I mean, how else are we going to fit in the 6-10 hours per week that we spend training.  But it's good.  Without triathlon training I wouldn't push myself to run after a spin class or to get up before the sun to get my mileage in before the kids get up.  It's really not in my nature.  I am enjoying the challenge though.  I am pushing myself in a way that I haven't in a long time. 

Plus, Andy found me a sweet new tri bike. 

While I was a little hesitant to spend the money, he convinced me that the twelve year old bike that I was tooling around on was ready to retire.  I love it!!  Andy has warned me though that if I beat him on the bike leg of our race he's going to sell the bike.