What's in a Name?


Baby love

We are all smitten with Isabel. Seriously. Alex is hysterical because he is constantly trying to kiss her and gets right in her face and talks in a really high, soft voice to her. I am sometimes worried that he's going to "love" her a little too much, but his affection is very genuine and it certainly beats him trying to throw a truck at her or something like that. Devin is the ultimate big brother and is quick to help in any way. They are constantly asking to hold her and checking on her. It is really wonderful.

Andy and I are both sleep deprived but are really happy with our little girl. Andy holds Isabel all evening long (I think he really doesn't want to be back at work, but he'll get his two weeks at home once my mom leaves) and he is still wearing his bracelet from the hospital. =) I am just so in love with my baby doll. She is wonderful.
We would be lost without my mom here helping out with the boys, the laundry, whatever needs to be done and frankly I'm a little terrified for the time when she is gone and Andy is back at work... but that is another story.
Many people have asked me how we chose her name, so here goes: my grandmother's middle name is Veronica, and I have always loved that name, so we chose that for her middle name. We both also loved the name Isabel or Isabella. "Belle" was my niece Brianna's nickname, and while we will never have another Brianna in the family, we thought that calling our little one Isabel would be a great way to honor Brianna's memory (and Brianna would have loved it!). Also, Isabel's Aunt Belinda was called "Belle" when she was little, so Izzy is in very good company. And it's a cool name. =)


welcome little one

Welcome Baby!

Isabel Veronica Blake
Monday, March 24th 2:33 pm
7 lbs 7 oz and 20.75 inches long

Andy and I are thrilled to welcome Isabel into our family (after what was thankfully an easy labor and delivery!). The boys are so in love with their little sister and we are all doing well.


pictures of the boys

After a rough Sunday I was pretty sore on Monday. According to my doctor that is completely normal, since the uterus is a muscle and mine certainly got a solid workout this weekend. Here I go, over training for an event again! Will my competitive nature ever settle down? =)
By yesterday I was feeling so much better and I even felt well enough to go to a pre-natal yoga class today. It is pretty exciting to know that we will meet this little one by Monday. I am ready.

I am posting a couple recent pictures of the boys, since they are getting so big! Enjoy.
Devin and Alex playing pirates.

Alex hiking. Check out that red hair!
The boys with the Easter bunny at our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. They had a blast!!


no baby yet

We haven't met our little girl yet. My contractions continued to intensify and we went to the hospital at dawn but my labor proved to be false. Lots of contractions and no real progress with my cervix (I'm at three centimeters). The contractions didn't stop until mid afternoon, and that was with the help of a mild sedative. I had a good nap and felt much better, until the contractions started again about an hour ago. I know that my body is getting ready, but I really want the contractions to cease until its the real deal.

Fingers crossed!

body by baby

I have been meaning to post some pregnancy pictures for all the people who we haven't seen since November/December, and since we just got our new digital camera, here goes!

These were both taken this weekend, which I am starting to think was just in time.

I have been contracting on and off since this afternoon, but without any real intensity or regular pattern so I figured my body was just "practicing". However, I woke up about an hour ago and I think that this may be real. You would think that by my third child I would know when labor is starting, but my water broke both times, so that was a crystal clear sign. It would be pretty ironic if after all my well laid plans of mom coming in to help and an early induction this baby actually came earlier than expected... especially since all who know me well can vouch that being early would truly be a unique characteristic for this little girl. =)

More news soon...


the boys

I guess I'm not the only one getting ready for the baby. Today the boys were playing with two stuffed animals that they found in the baby's room and they were carrying them around like dolls. Devin had an elephant and Alex had a bear. They took turns cuddling them and pretending to feed them and carrying them around. It was so cute!
I know that I shouldn't be surprised, since they are aware that the baby is coming soon (especially since there are so many conversations about the baby these days and her room is nearly ready and we have received baby clothes from some friends), but I was. It was sweet to see them playing like that.

I realized the other day that Devin is just a couple months younger than I was when I met Annie. I couldn't help but wonder if any of the friends that he has made since we moved here would be life-long friends for him. I can only hope that he is that lucky, since Annie is clearly fundamental in my world. I miss her.


getting ready for baby

I think my body is getting ready to have this baby. Since Saturday I have noticed that I am having far more Braxton Hicks contractions and I'm getting the aches and pains in all kinds of interesting places. While I know that this is not a sign that I will be delivering anytime soon, I am getting more nervous about that happening. With my previous pregnancies I would have welcomed an early baby, but this time I am all about the plan.
My mom is coming to town the 21st (Woohoo!! Mom got clearance from her doctor to travel and drive and chase my boys. More importantly, she is really feeling like her old self!) and I will be induced on the 24th. I feel like I need a couple weeks to be ready (I have little projects to finish around the house and in the baby's room) and I really don't want to go early. For the boys I had everything done far enough in advance that I was just kind of waiting for the baby to come. That is not the case this time. Its all part of settling a new house, but Andy and I still fee like we have so many things to do!

That being said, I am getting quite excited about meeting this little girl. Yesterday I bought my my first little dress. =)