I saw my OB last week and things are progressing well. She is so laid back and considerate that I really feel lucky to have found her (thank you to Andy's co-worker Carla!). We got talking about the delivery and I expressed my concern about child care for the boys while in the hospital. Let me be clear, we have made some good friends who I know would watch the boys during labor and delivery so Andy could be with me, and for that I am really grateful. However, we don't have an Annie or a Clare or a Jen that I know can handle my two plus their own, who know my boys so well from years of interacting with them and who can work together to take care of the boys for the 2-3 days that I am in the hospital. So while I would have Andy on hand for the delivery, he would need to be home with the boys after that until we could get my mom down here. Well, given that this is the epitome of a healthy pregnancy and that the baby is measuring a healthy week ahead of schedule and that I tend to labor quickly, my doctor suggested inducing me a week before my due date. Woo hoo!!!! So on March 24th (the day after Easter) I will meet my baby girl. It feels a little strange going into this delivery knowing so many details; I know its a girl and I know when she will come. For both of my previous pregnancies we didn't know the gender or dates or anything. Its exciting either way, but I am glad to be able to plan a bit more for this one.
That being said, my parents were here this weekend so that they could see the new house (which met their approval, I think) and so that my Mom could start learning her way around in preparation for her solo tour with the little men in March. We had a really nice visit. My parents are easy going house guests. Before we had kids we did a lot of sight seeing when they came in town, which was fun because I got to act like a tourist in my own home (and we all know there is a ton to see in Boston!). Now they are content to hang out with their grandkids, and the touring is replaced with walks to the park, playing basketball and building with blocks. I think everyone enjoyed themselves, and we were sad to see them go. But since its nearly February (!!), we take comfort in knowing that we will see Grandma again very soon. Another exciting thing is that Annie (aka Aunt Mo) is going to come down after the baby arrives. I am thrilled. John (her husband) surprised her with the offer, and once they figure out child care and schedules on her end she will get her tickets for sometime in April. I can't possibly communicate how much it means to me to have my oldest and dearest friend here for such an exciting time in our lives. I am soooo lucky.
the text that changed my life
4 years ago