What's in a Name?


one for Grandma

My mom has been after me to post some new pictures of Isabel. This one is for Grandma; check out those chubby thighs! I guess I must be producing heavy cream instead of milk. =)

This picture was taken after Alex's birthday party. It was the first time Izzy wore a dress.

Isabel is five weeks already, and she's starting to look so different to me. She's getting rounder cheeks and chubby legs and she looks so long! She started smiling for us last week; it's adorable. With her smiley eyes and her big open-mouthed gummy smile, no wonder we are all in love with her.
Well most of us... Alex asked tonight why Isabel is always here. Andy and I explained that she's part of our family and will always be with us, just like Devin and Alex. He seemed to be okay with that, but who knows what he thinks. He loves when Isabel and I say goodnight to him though, because I let her lay in bed with him while I kiss him goodnight and he thinks that is great. Devin tells me how cute Izzy is about two or three times a day, and has decided that he likes girl babies more than boy babies. Clearly I'm not the only one who is going to spoil this little girl.


I made it through alive!

I am quite proud to say that I made it through my first week and am still relatively sane. I have a few good friends to thank for that. Overall things went well.

Here is how I did on my goals for last week:
1) Finish thank you notes - Izzy's are done and mailed. Alex's are nearly done
2) Catch up on email - totally dropped
3) Send the boys to school with lunch each day that they go - I did it. yeah!
4) Re-hang the pictures in Izzy's room - not only done, but also hung her letters. woohoo!
5) Do laundry - ongoing. always
6) Nurse Isabel 4-6 hours each day - a gimme, but I wanted at least one goal that I knew I would accomplish
7) Go for a few walks - two walks and one pilates tape.

Here are my goals for the coming week:
1) Finish Alex's thank you notes
2) Clean bathrooms & vacuum before my sister and Aunt Jo arrive
3) Catch up on email
4) Get some exercise
5) Assemble and print labels for Isabel's announcements
6) Get through to Alex about his behavior at school

The last one may be a challenge, but I am optimistic.
Goodnight all!


call him trouble

One of my favorite family stories is about the time that my twin nephews dug a tunnel under the fence and escaped from their kindergarten playground. In fact, they didn't just tunnel themselves out of kindergarten, but they took another kid with them. I think that most of the stories of Connor and Ryan are examples of how two little minds can work together to create big trouble. In our house, we only need one little personality to create big trouble, and that is Alex.

On Thursday Alex was sent to the principal's office (well technically the assistant principal's office) for talking "potty talk". Apparently he had been talking nasty for some time, and when the teacher corrected him, he'd give her a big smile, sit through his "time out", and then go right back to the potty talk. I think she finally decided too engage the higher authorities when he graduated from the basic potty talk and started telling his classmates, "eat my poo poo". I have no idea where he got this, since we haven't heard either boy use this gem at home. My sister thinks that he's simply combining two of his favorites; eating and potty talk.

I'm sure that the parents of the other preschoolers are simply thrilled that Alex is basically introducing the phrase "eat shit" to their little ones. But I am still hung up on the fact that a mere week and a half after Alex turned three he made his first trip to the principal's office. I think Connor and Ryan have met their match in this little trouble-maker.


that's what I like about the South...

When I was leaving my doctor's office today I noticed a sign posted on the building entrance stating, "No weapons allowed". At my doctor's office. I know that I live in the South, but this is a nice medical building in an upscale suburb. So next time I', going in for a physical or to figure out my allergy meds or whatever, I'll be sure to check my handgun at the door.
After the doctor, Isabel and I picked up a salad at the deli a couple doors down from the doctor. I was leaving the deli carrying a bag with my salad, a drink and Izzy's car seat when, in the span of three minutes, I had offers of help from two different people. I wonder if these are the same people who need to be told not to bring their weapons to the doctor.
Regardless, this made me laugh. Weapons and unsolicited offers of help. Southern hospitality at its finest!



I truly believe that whomever coined the term "single-handedly" must have done so with the mother (or father) of an infant in mind... because clearly the other hand was occupied by baby. Isabel is in what I refer to as the "hold me, love me" phase where she wants to be held most of the day. Hence, I can honestly say that I have tackled numerous tasks single-handedly. I have made two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, poured two glasses of milk and cut the stems off of strawberries single-handedly. I have single-handedly read books, cleaned up toys, washed faces and yes, I have even single-handedly wiped bums. I have single-handedly loaded the dishwasher, paid bills, surfed the internet and tonight I can honestly say that I have officially blogged single-handedly. However, many of these tasks were not only performed single-handedly, they were performed single-handedly while the other hand (well, arm actually) was swaying and bouncing, as newborns often enjoy. Pretty impressive, I know. =)


big week ahead

Tomorrow is a big day. My mom has been back in Chicago for a couple weeks now, and at 7:00 am tomorrow Andy will be going back to work. That means that I will be playing the zone defense (3 kids vs. 1 Mommy) from 7:00 am until about 5:30 pm tomorrow (assuming Andy leaves work a little early). I'm slightly terrified, but part of me is excited to just get on with it and start figuring out how to manage my brood. I have to get Devin to school and then take Alex and Izzy to their respective check ups with Dr. Jamie. Other than that we don't have much planned, maybe we'll take a walk or a trip to Trader Joes. We'll see how the day goes.
I do have a couple goals for the week. Since I really cannot predict how my days will be, I tend to plan a few things to tackle each week and hope I accomplish something! Here are the goals for next week:
1) Finish thank you notes
2) Catch up on email
3) Send the boys to school with lunch each day that they go
4) Re-hang the pictures in Izzy's room (since I never seem to get things right the first time)
5) Do laundry
6) Nurse Isabel 4-6 hours each day
7) Go for a few walks

I am fairly confident that I will accomplish at least half of those tasks. Wish me luck!


happy birthday Alex!!

Andy and I both said that we can't believe that Alex is already three years old. He is getting to be such a big boy!!

Here is a quick video of his big day.


as promised

Andy sans-goatee (and totally hamming it up).

His dark beard gives him a pretty constant five o'clock shadow, but he seems to think that will fade once he gets some sun on his face.

Since I'm posting pictures, I'm sure that you all want to see some more of Izzy. In this one I think she was about four days old (and quite a looker, we think).

In this one she's almost two weeks old (already!!).

Here is a picture of the boys at the US Whitewater Center with Papa. This week has been packed full of father and son(s) outings that all the men in the family seemed to greatly enjoy.


Andy shaved his goatee.

Yes. Andy shaved his goatee. For those of you thinking to yourselves, "I've never seen Andy without facial hair", well you are in good company. Andy and I have been together for more than ten years and I have never seen him without a goatee, except the winter when he grew a full beard. He came down last night after a shower and the goatee was gone. I was shocked. He looks twelve, or maybe sixteen. I like it, but I still do a double take when I see him. It feels good though. Devin has said that he likes Papa without it, but Alex likes him more "with the hair on". I haven't decided which I like more (with or without the goatee), but he seems happy. I realize that this is certainly picture worthy, and promise to post one soon.

Isabel continues to be a dream baby. Last night she was having an issue keeping the binki in her mouth after her 3:00 am feeding... so after I got up to put the binki in her mouth a zillion times between 3:30 and 4:45 am, I finally took her to bed with me. We slept soundly until 8:30. I think she just likes getting some night time cuddles. Who can blame her? At her doctor's appointment on Friday we learned that Isabel is up to 7 lbs 10 oz, so she gained seven ounces in a week! Still our little girl is only in the 25th percentile for weight. She's 21.25 inches long, which puts her in the 75th percentile for height, so Andy says she's a string bean. I'm sure it won't take her long to get big, after all her brothers started out long and skinny too!



Just a quick update for those who are interested... we are doing really well. Isabel is a dream. She is a great eater and a great sleeper. She is up to 7 lbs 10 oz and is only getting up once or twice each night. Izzy is a mellow little girl except when she's hungry. When hungry this girl is a serious screamer!
The boys are in love with Isabel and are constantly kissing her and competing with each other to put binki in her mouth. Alex's behavior has declined a bit over the last week or so, but we are hopeful that he will come back to his own soon. Andy and I have been giving him some extra love and extra attention in an effort to help him out, so hopefully he will settle down. Devin is doing great. He seems to be taking everything in stride, and he loves his little sister. He has mentioned that he misses me on the days when he spends more time with Andy or with his friends (some of the preschool moms have been taking Devin home for play dates after school to give me a rest); it is a little heart breaking to hear that, but then I just give him some more lovin' and we all feel better. I am still learning how to split my time between all of these little people, and the big one too!

Off to watch a movie with my hubby... and my daughter. =)