Isabel is darling. I mean absolutely darling. I want to bottle her and send her to all my friends and family. I want to freeze time and keep her just the way she is right now. I adore her. She is just so happy, so curious, so busy and so fun. The other day I went up to get her clothes (I had stripped her after snack time, since she insisted on feeding herself yogurt and I wanted to keep my furniture safe from the large amount of yogurt that she was wearing) and when I came down she was sitting on the floor, reading to her baby and wearing only a diaper and Devin's recently removed socks (she is obsessed with footwear of any kind). When she reads to her babies, it's always either "Go Dog Go" (her favorite book) or "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See"; I know this because she is talking well enough for me to identify parts of these books. She is always talking and singing and dancing and she loves to make silly noises and faces. Tonight after her bath we first played 'peek-a-boo', which she initiates while I diaper and dress her by covering her face with her towel and saying, "Is Izzy?" (I cannot even begin to write how she actually says "peek-a-boo" since it seems to be a random collection of sounds with the correct intonation of "peek-a-boo"), then we moved on to Eskimo kisses and then she grabbed me around the neck and squeezed me like crazy. And I love that about Isabel. Her hugs. When she hugs me, she really hugs me, and it's fantastic. She is actually a little possessive of her mommy, and will sometimes throw a fit if I am holding or cuddling her brothers (and they are smart enough to use that to torment her. They will get between Isabel and I and hug me while she screams. I'm just happy for all the affection, since I know that in a few years these hugs will be harder to come by...).
My little love is still a willful and determined toddler though. Isabel still throws a hissy fit when I bring her in from the sandbox. She will still smile at me while she throws her food across the table, and she still wakes up far earlier than this Mommy wants to every day. But she is just so fun and happy, and I do love her loviness.
My little love is still a willful and determined toddler though. Isabel still throws a hissy fit when I bring her in from the sandbox. She will still smile at me while she throws her food across the table, and she still wakes up far earlier than this Mommy wants to every day. But she is just so fun and happy, and I do love her loviness.