What's in a Name?



and so it is.  The hip pain is from my IT band.  Many runners before me have complained of this issue, and many will after I have sworn off running forever.  But for now I will stretch, heat/ice as needed and scale back my mileage significantly in preparation for my half.  Less than two weeks to go.  Wish me luck.



I have done a fair amount of racing.  I'm certainly not as hard-core as my marathon and ironman friends, but I've done twelve triathlons, a few 10k races and more 5k's than I could possibly count.  Through the years of racing, I have come to realize a couple things about myself.  First, I need a goal. I need something to train for, or I get bored and a little lost at the gym.  With a goal, comes a training plan.  I need a plan.  I need someone else to outline what I should be doing and when I should be doin it so that I can just get out there and train.  For my half marathon next month, I have been using a training plan from Runner's World that has me running three very focused runs per week.  And I have loved my training. 
I used to hate running.  This summer I was training for a tri in September, and I realized that for the first time ever, I was truly enjoying my hour long runs. I thought it might be time to try something new.  A few friends had signed up for a half marathon here in town in December, and within days of completing the tri I signed up (have I mentioned that I need a goal?).  My training plan has me running 20-25 miles per week in three runs.  It has been really difficult at times and I have had to really push myself, but I am really enjoying it.  I have learned all about the importance of body glide and fueling up along the way during long runs.  I have drained the blood and pus from a black tonail (which I gladly did not lose! One of my runner friends told me to consider it a 'rite of passage' into the big leagues for running.).  I have worn down my running shoes to the point where the rubber was gone and I was running on the cushion (lesson learned about breaking in new shoes before the old ones are toast...).  I have been to the PT about some minor knee pain that I did not want to turn into major knee pain while training. 

And I have been running longer and faster than I ever have in my life. 

My left hip (left ankle, left knee, left hip... I'm sensing a theme) started complaining during my long run on Tuesday and was far more vocal during my speedwork on Thursday, so I skipped my long run this weekend.  Time for another visit to the PT so I can be in tip-top shape for the race.  Less than two weeks to go.  I am nervous about my latest injury, but so very excited to run!!