What's in a Name?


grade parent

I found out the other day that I am grade parent for both Devin and Alex this year.  At the open house last week I did sign up for both classes.  However, I told the coordinator very explicitly that they could put me where they needed me, but I only wanted one class.  Initially I was a little frustrated that I had both.  There are twenty-five kids in each class and two grade parents.  So out of the roughly fifty families that share a class with my two boys, they couldn't find three other parents to step up?  C'mon now.
But then I got to thinking, which class would I want to drop?  Alex really wants me to be his grade parent, but I really think that Devin needs me to be his grade parent.  What a lot of parents don't realize is that the grade parents really get to know the teachers well, and this is a good thing.  Plus they always are in the loop on field trips, parties and fun things.  Also, I think that when teachers know that the parents are concerned and engaged, they are more willing to give kids the benefit of the doubt and are more willing to work with the parents on issues.  My experience with Alex in preschool was such that I got to know his teachers well regardless of my volunteer efforts.  I assume that trend will continue, but I also want to help his teachers as much as I can. 
Devin is a different kid.  He can fly under the radar a bit.  He does well in school, he typically follows the rules and he's a decent kid.  If I don't engage with his teachers other ways (like volunteering), then I don't usually get to know them well.  Then working through concerns and questions is far less comfortable.  Plus, Devin volunteers virtually nothing about what he does at school.  Because of Isabel, I am pretty limited with the hours that I can spend volunteering at school... so grade parent it is.  Twice.


back to school. back to school. Back to School!!!

Can you tell we are excited in the Blake household?  From our cool new 'back to school' haircuts...

to waking up thirty minutes before the alarm (at 6:10am) on the first day of school.  These boys are ready!!


my AWESOME run

I'm not sure if it's because I finally had a great night's sleep where I woke up feeling completely rested, or if it's because I swam yesterday and really gave my legs a little recovery... but I had an AWESOME run today (yes that is CAPITAL and bold, because that is how good the run was).  Two days ago I went to the track at the crack of dawn to do sprint work and I struggled.  I did a two-mile run at 17:30 (8:45 miles) and then two one-mile runs at 8:40 before I called it quits (skipping the two half-mile sprints) and went home.  My two-mile pace was fine, but my mile pace was supposed to be 8:30 and I couldn't make it.  And I was pretty damn sure I wouldn't be able to make my half-miles at 4:05 (8:10 miles).  I was pretty bummed, but I still managed to cobble together six miles and I am finally accepting that not all runs are going to be great.

But today's run was absolutely AWESOME!  I opted for the treadmill (aka the dreadmill, considering how much I like it) and ran a warm up before starting what was going to be a three mile tempo (faster pace) run.  I started out with an 8:40 pace and felt great.  I had good music; the AC was wonderful and a mile or so in I kicked it up to 8:34.  Another mile and a half and I hit 8:27.  I felt so good I decided to add another mile and kicked it up to 8:20.  Overall I did 5.6 miles in under 50 minutes and my tempo pace for the four miles was around 8:30.  I felt like great.  I felt like I could have run another few miles at least.  I felt like a real runner.  It's for the days like today that we suffer through the tough runs.  Today I was strong.



I just spent half an hour picking play-doh out of the carpet with a toothpick (well actually several toothpicks).  After that I vacuumed it up and went to work with the toothpicks again, this time on the jelly and yogurt that had hardened.  Pick.  Vacuum.  Pick.  Vacuum.  I was absolutely thrilled with the result.  Seriously.  It is official.  I am a mom who is truly pleased to clean up the various crap that my kids drop on my rug. 
I forfeit all claims on coolness.


summertime & s'mores

Summertime and s'mores.  What could be better?