What's in a Name?



A note came home from school yesterday that Alex got in trouble at lunch time for getting out of his chair and dancing. I accept and understand that. You aren’t in the lunch room to dance, you are there to eat. But the note went on to say that his dancing was very “suggestive”. Really?!?! Suggestive of what? Suggestive of the fact that he could use a few dance lessons?

Alex is five years old. Clearly you don’t mean “suggestive” in a risqué, burlesque sort of way. After all, for a dance to be “suggestive”, doesn’t the dancer need to know something about what it is that they are in fact suggesting? I’m half tempted to go to school and ask the lunch monitor what she is suggesting about my five year old. I know that Alex is a ladies’ man and has been kissed by a few girls in kindergarten. Really, do we need to see everything that these kids do through our sanctimonious, politically correct lenses?

I know the dance that Alex did in the lunchroom. I have seen it. He holds his hands out a little bit to the sides and rocks his hips like he’s doing the hula hoop. Maybe it would be suggestive if he grabbed one of those little tarts who kissed him and pulled her in close while dancing, but he didn’t. Maybe he should save that for first grade. We don’t want them to grow up too fast.

I’m just glad he didn’t slap his ass while he was dancing so suggestively in the lunch room. See, he has also done the ass-slap at home and I told him to stop because it wasn’t nice. We have some standards, after all.


Happy Birthday Isabel!!

Happy third birthday to my sweet baby girl.  I love you!!
Someone loves the attention of her birthday!

Lost in thought

Paging Dr. Izzy

"Doctoring" her puppy


not enough

I have learned that there is not enough yoga in the world, not enough miles in the sneakers, not enough coffee in the day, not enough wine in the evenings, not enough (insert special "me time" activity or addiction here) to ever, ever replace the balance and pseudo-calm that exists when there are two parents present in my house. 



Izzy had her first real nightmare last night.  She has had "bad dreams" before, but usually she doesn't wake up and a little cuddling settles her right back down.  Her nightmare must have happened around six am, because I was in the bathroom getting dressed when she came in wild-eyed and speaking gibberish.  I don't know if it sounded like gibberish because I was barely functioning yet, or because she was truly speaking gibberish.  I  truly could not make out anything that she was saying; I only knew she was scared.  I cuddled her and settled her down and she started asking about the man with the black hat with pink string (on the hat) and the pink lips who was in her room. 
I told her Mommy wouldn't let anyone hurt her and it was just a yucky dream.  That led her to ask if the angels made the man come (at night I tell her to listen to the angels and that the angels protect her from yucky dreams).  I told her it was pretend, like when she pretends to be a dog, and she told me she wasn't being a dog.  I told her that the bad man wasn't in her room, and she asked me who made him leave.  Needless to say, explaining dreams to an almost three-year-old is a challenge. 
At breakfast she told the boys about the dream (with the bad man with the black hat with the pink string on it and the pink lips) and they gave her all the reassurances that I did, but she was still a little uncertain.  Then I told her that her brothers wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, and she said that Devie and Alex would stomp on the bad man (complete with a demonstration as she stomped her foot on the floor). 
At nap time she didn't want to go to sleep "until Devie and Alex get home" so the bad man wouldn't get her.  So she and I went around and locked all the doors to the house and checked all the bedrooms upstairs to make sure that she and I were the only ones here and no one could get it to get Izzy.  It worked (well that plus her exhaustion from her early morning), and I love the fact that she wanted her big brothers here to protect her.