What's in a Name?


Swim Season

The 2011 Summer swim season came to a close last night.  To say that I am sad about this would be a lie.  It was a great season, but swim team is very time intensive.  We practiced for a hour (thirty minutes per child) five days per week and attended two swim meets each week where the family would sweat it out poolside for a minimum of three hours and the boyswould swim for a total of under five minutes.  Swim team is fun though.  Swim meets are fun.  We see our friends in the neighborhood, the kids see their friends and they get some exercise too.  Alex had a great first year.  He improved his swim time by twelve seconds, won a couple ribbons and learned a passable back stroke and breast stroke (except when he cheats by swimming under water to win his heat).  Devin had a harder year because he was at the bottom of his age group and didn't get as many ribbons as last year.  He did well though. He learned butterfly and finally mastered a legal breast stroke kick!!  All told I am very proud of my swimmer boys and hope that they continue with swim team for many many more years.

Alex before his first race ever!

Alex's dive.

Alex's first ribbon ever!!

Alex hugging the lane line in back stroke

Devin catching his breath after his first race of the season

Devin's back stroke

Devin's awesome start!

My boys

This is what Izzy looked forward to at every swim meet.


the pants don't lie

All these months of fun trips and birthday cakes are starting to take a toll.  I have been aware of this and sort of half trying to get my sweet tooth (and wine/beer tooth?  do we have such things?  I think I do...) under control.  I started running again after about a month off (remember the back strain) and working out more.  But then I went in for a check up with my doctor.  According to their scale I weighed three pounds more than my scale at home.  So instead of 5-6 pounds over my preferred weight, I am actually looking at 8-9 pounds.  After I got over the "oh shit" moment, I realized that I need to find my motivation.  I have been running again, but not really loving it.  I have been back on the bike, and in the pool, but I am hesitant to commit to triathlon training because it is so hard to fit in all three sports multiple times per week with an active family with three kids and a husband who is also training. 
I got confirmation on my scale after Devin's eight-year-old check up last week.  Three pounds light.  Meaning I have ten pounds to lose.  I don't know why this surprised me.  Probably because I have been wearing all the summer skirts and dresses lately.  I tried to wear a pair of pants out the other day (emphasis on "tried"... but failed miserably), and realized that I need to wear pants more during the "beer and ice cream" season of the year.  Just to keep myself on track.  We all know that the jeans don't lie when the jeans don't fit.


Happy Birthday Devin!!

This has been quite a year for Devin.  He had huge accomplishments like losing his front teeth, First Communion and making a club soccer team  He had disappointments like breaking his arm and watching friends move away.  He has grown so much (and I'm not just talking about the 3.5 inches and 8 pounds since last June).  I am really enjoying the little man he is turning into, and he makes me so proud.

Happy 8th Birthday Devin!!
First Communion

Off the Blocks

The end of the "All Sports" birthday party.

Happy Birthday Devin!!


First and Last

This picture is from the morning before the first day of school.  The boys are all excited and happy; clean, shiny and new... and they were very eager to have their picture taken.
first day of school

This picture is from after the last day of school.  Both boys are tired from a late swim meet last night.  Devin is sweaty from a dodge ball tournament and Alex is literally dripping wet from a water fight with friends after school.  Both boys were annoyed at the idea of taking a picture, and finally cooperated when threatened with the prospect of taking pictures all afternoon until I could get one where they were both smiling. 
last day of school
 No doubt that they are excited that school is done.  We all are.