Alex is fond of playing the "question" game. This is one where he compares different people by answering questions like, "Who is stronger, Papa or Uncle Billy?" or, "Who is prettier, Isabel or Katie(Izzy's friend)?" It's a useful way to get him talking to me about his friends and kids at school, but it's also funny to get some of the responses that I get. For instance, I know that he used to like Laura, but now he likes Sierra too. I know that Phillipe is one of his best friends, but he plays with Davis more at school. I know that he loves Devin, but would protect Isabel over Devin, "because she's so little and Devin is strong." And I know that he thinks Andy is the strongest man he knows. Up until today, I thought he liked Mrs. Price (his teaching assistant) more than anyone in the world. Maybe it's because of Mother's Day, but Mrs. Price has fallen in the ranking behind Mommy and Grandma. More than anything, I know that this little boy loves his family, and behind is goofball demeanor is a sweet, caring little man. I love you, Alex.