What's in a Name?


Happy New Year

We had envisioned a lovely day playing with the kids and watching our beloved Illini in the Rosebowl, but things have not worked according to plan. Unfortunately half of the family is sick (Alex and I) and I think the other half is growing tired of our lazing around and coughing. Devin's plans of playing outside were foiled by the long afternoon naps that Alex and I took and by my general unwillingness to go outside while feeling gross. Andy had kid duty almost non-stop today, which we all know can be challenging, and the Illini certainly aren't playing their best football. While they still have a quarter in which to redeem themselves, the prospect looks bleak when facing the dominance of USC.
Ah well, things don't always go according to plan. I am much more relaxed about that fact than I was in my younger years, which I believe is a good thing. I certainly don't feel that this is a preview of what this year will hold for us, since we have many good things coming our way. =)

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