What's in a Name?


news from 11/4/2007

Our time as Northeasterners is nearly drawing to a close. The movers are coming the week of Thanksgiving to pack and load our things, and we will slowly make the drive down to NC in time to close on our new house on Nov. 26th. We found a great home in an amazing subdivision that sits on the NC - SC border, so we will actually be living in South Carolina. Our house is about 15 miles from 'uptown' Charlotte, where Andy will be working and is close to all the amenities and activities to which the boys and I have become accustomed. We are very excited for our new adventure, but quite sad about leaving our good friends. In fact, Devin has been insisting that his friend from preschool is coming to NC also. =) But I am sure that he and Alex will quickly make new friends in preschool while I am busy trying to settle our house before Christmas.
Among the tasks that I will quickly tackle is picking colors for the kids rooms. Our other exciting news is that baby #3 is a girl, so we will actually be introducing pink into our world! We are thrilled. Andy is nervous about how this will affect his humor and we both realize that we will need to learn a whole new set of toys, but we are really very excited.

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