What's in a Name?


pictures of the boys

After a rough Sunday I was pretty sore on Monday. According to my doctor that is completely normal, since the uterus is a muscle and mine certainly got a solid workout this weekend. Here I go, over training for an event again! Will my competitive nature ever settle down? =)
By yesterday I was feeling so much better and I even felt well enough to go to a pre-natal yoga class today. It is pretty exciting to know that we will meet this little one by Monday. I am ready.

I am posting a couple recent pictures of the boys, since they are getting so big! Enjoy.
Devin and Alex playing pirates.

Alex hiking. Check out that red hair!
The boys with the Easter bunny at our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. They had a blast!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boys are getting so big! Too bad Gramma D didn't get to see her red head that she always wanted. Seeing the pictures only makes me miss you more. Good luck on Monday! I'm looking forward to pictures of our new cutie!

Aunt Jo