What's in a Name?



Genetic composition is a funny thing. Isabel looks just like Andy. Everyone who sees her says so, and it's true. She has his coloring without a doubt, and she already has more hair than him (hehe) but the clincher is her huge chocolate brown eyes. She is absolutely Andy's baby girl. Some people ask me if it bothers me that she doesn't resemble me, but I think she's beautiful and would change nothing about her. Well, maybe not nothing. We went for her nine month checkup this week and despite all the good news about our healthy little one, we are headed to the Ear/Nose/Throat specialist on Monday to talk about getting ear tubes for Iz. It's not a huge surprise, since Devin and I have both been through it and because she has had a bunch of ear infections, but I'm a little disappointed. My beautiful baby appears to be a genetic replica of her father. And what is my genetic contribution to this little one? The bum ears. The eustachian tubes that don't drain properly to be exact. I like to think that I have a couple characteristics that would be a real benefit to my children. Andy says he hopes they get my natural athletic ability (he's jealous that I throw a tighter spiral than him), and Devin has my coloring, which I love (side note: combine that with huge eyes like his father and he's one lucky little boy). Alex is always singing, and I like to think that I have an positive contribution there also. But Isabel, well so far she has my ears.
Let's just hope she gets my ankles too.

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