What's in a Name?


brotherly love

The relationship between Alex and Isabel has really flourished and it is amazing to see how close they have grown. When Isabel first came on the scene, Alex was not so sure about her. That feeling seemed to be pretty mutual once Isabel was old enough to express her preferences. Andy and I would joke that she didn't trust him. Let's just say that he loved her a little too much sometimes, and is not gentle by nature.
However, I think that Isabel brings out a real tenderness in Alex. I first noticed this when Isabel started crawling, and Alex would get nervous about her falling down. She pulled herself up on the railing in the hallway, and Alex ran over to her saying, "No Isabel. You'll fall down and break yourself." This sweetness has progressed into Alex calling Iz little names, like "sweetie Girl" (one on my names for her) or "Shoogie Boog" (which he picked up from our friend Krista, who calls Alex many variations of "Sugar"). He'll spontaneously cuddle her and tell her that he loves her, and when they cuddle in his bed before naps he always wants her to be on the side close to the wall so she won't fall out of bed.
Today Alex took his devotion to a new level. At dinner tonight he started peeling his grapes for Isabel (something I am pretty confident that my brother never did for me!). Then he shared his cookies with her. After dinner Alex wanted to have a 'movie night', so he went upstairs to get his jammies on, and brought Izzy's down with him so she could join in the fun. Next, Alex picked out a Baby Einstein DVD, and said that we should watch it "because I seen lots of shows and Isabel only sees a little shows".
I am so amazed. Thrilled and amazed.

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