September is a time of new beginnings. New school year. New teachers. New friends. This year, September is a time for new sports for the boys. For the first time in four years, we do not have a soccer player in the house. After last year's huge soccer commitment of two boys in three practices per week and two to five games per weekend, this is a major freedom for us (which comes at a great time, since Andy and I are both training for a half ironman in October and we need time to train!).
Devin chose to play flag football, and quickly took on the roll of quarterback. He has quite an arm and he's working hard to learn all the plays. This week, I think he went out to toss the football every day. Plus, he's swimming twice a week in a league that works more on perfecting stroke technique than on racing.
Alex chose Tae Kwon Do. He has been asking to try it for ages, but was unwilling to give up soccer to try it (and given that TKD is two or three nights per week, we were unwilling to do both). He is taking it at a place whose students are primarily kids, and they make it a lot of fun. He will be testing for his first new belt soon, and he is so excited.
Izzy is doing dance again, and she tried out for a small, local production of the Little Mermaid. We haven't heard back yet from auditions, where she jumped up on stage to shake her booty and belt out "California Girls". I vacillated between wanting to take some video of the occasion and wanting to crawl under my seat.