What's in a Name?


running hell

We're visiting the families in Chicago and today I got up at 6:00 (thank you William) and the King watched the boys while I went for a run. It was already pretty darn humid, but I was optimistic that I would have a good run, especially since I took the day off yesterday. I had a horrible night's sleep (the King and I have William in our room, and he has a cold...), but I was still optimistic. I made it to the forest preserve and noticed that they have mile markers on the trail. I thought I was coming up to the first mile marker around 9:30, but saw nothing. 10:00, 10:30 still nothing. So I start thinking, "well, this is a bike trail, maybe the mile markers are further apart since people typically ride longer than run." At 11:00 I saw the mile marker. I was dumbfounded. 11 minute miles! That's horrible. I made it a few minutes past the mile marker and came back. I thought my return trip was better, but I did the mile in 11 minutes again. I was seriously bummed. I ran a total of 39 minutes, but clearly very slowly. I think its time to start running intervals again. =(

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