What's in a Name?


My husband ROCKS!

For Mother's Day the King and the princes got me a bike trainer. Wooohooo! For the non-triathlete folks, a bike trainer is a device that you hook your road bike into and you can ride indoors like a stationary bike. The cool thing is that its still your bike, so you need to shift gears, etc while riding. Very nice. Since the boys both nap in the afternoon, I am usually able to get some kind of a workout in during the day, but before I couldn't swim, bike or run. Now I can. =) The trainer came with a couple training DVDs and I did one today; it was kind of like taking a spinning class. After the video I just rode for a bit (simulating hills) and watched some tube. Nice.
the King is the bomb!


one down, many to go

My first real week of training went well. I definitely missed a couple workouts because the boys weren't up for it or the King had plans (he's certainly entitled!), but overall I did well. I was actually able to get some exercise in during their naps three times this week, although not any swimming, biking or running. But still, I lifted at home so they didn't have to hang out longer in child care at the gym and I did yoga and pilates. While the yoga and pilates aren't triathlon specific, I really feel like they will help, especially since I have not been great about stretching a lot. Here is how my week went: Monday - off , Tuesday - run/swim , Wednesday - bike/yoga , Thursday - run , Friday - walk/lift , Saturday - swim , Sunday - pilates . Not too shabby. This week is going well so far, but I am starting to feel a little guilty about all the training time with the boys. When I train it means that they are at child care at the gym, with a babysitter or strapped in the stroller. My actual workouts aren't very long, but between Henry's two naps and the amount of time it takes us to get moving in any direction... if I work out with them then we have little time for much else. I think I might have to take a day off just to play with them. But I hate to take a day off going into the weekend, since I like to have that flexibility during the weekend if needed. Hmmm... well I knew it wasn't going to be easy.


Now that's more like it...

So my slow start Monday was followed by two awesome workout days. Tuesday I ran intervals on the treadmill at the gym while the boys went to child-watch (without any major issues). Not thrilled to be back on the treadmill, but it was rainy and cold and I got to run alone... plus intervals are such a good workout. Then Tuesday night I swam 2000 yards at the pool. Another good workout - did a longer set and then some sprints. My quads seized up during cool down, but it wasn't anything that good stretching and the hottub couldn't fix. I was beat after that though. I think it will take some doing for my body to get used to two workouts in a day. Yesterday I did 30 min on the stationary bike at the gym and it was actually really good. The new training book that I'm reading (Time Saving Training for Multisport Athletes) recommended an interval workout for the stationary bike of 1 min hard, 1 min easy and it really rocked. The during the boys naps I did one of the King's yoga tapes. I'm still pretty nervous about the back pain and leg tightness that I was dealing with before, so I hope the stretching will help. That said, I didn't stretch after my run today (outside w/ Henry in the jogger), because I wanted to get to Target before lunch and nap-time and I hopped in the car right after the run. Aaah well... I'll need to do a good stretch before bed tonight.
Now if I can only keep this up through the summer...


Training starts today

I pretty much decided that my training was going to start in earnest today. May first. Start of the month, first day of the week, easy to track on my training log. May first - its official. My plan was to take the boys with me on a quick run - nothing major, since I haven't run with the two of them since the fall. I thought about calling my neighbor to watch them (we trade off watching each other's kids while we run), but decided against it since I am planning to run a 5K in three weeks with them in tow. I need to get a couple runs in pushing the extra +/- 80 pounds before then. So I thought after the afternoon naps we would head out. Seemed simple enough, since our morning was quite normal... but then Henry wasn't falling asleep. He was just playing along happily enough, but he was loud enough to keep William up. Uugghhh!
I put them down around 1:30. William fell asleep around 2:30 and Henry around 3:00 - very late for these boys. I woke William up at 4:15 and he cried and sat in my lap until I woke Henry up at 5:00 and he cried too. At that point there was no run to be had. The last thing I wanted to do was to head out in the stroller and have the two of them bellowing the whole time. So my official training for my big triathlon come-back year started today - with a rest day.