What's in a Name?


and continue...

Since my last post I determined that I really wasn't experiencing tightness in my chest during workouts when I consistently used the Albuterol inhaler prior to working out. While it is exciting to feel good during workouts again, I am a little nervous about needing the inhaler for exercise. It could be worse though. My doc ordered a full set of pulmonary function tests to determine the overall view of how my lungs are performing these days, and she told me I can race next month if I feel up to it and the Albuterol seems to be working. Very cool. The bigger issue is that I am going to meet with an endocrinologist tomorrow about my thyroid. The thyroid ultrasound showed a nodule that my doc thought might need a biopsy so I'm going to the specialist. Little nerve-wracking, but I know that the majority (like 95%) of people who get biopsies do not have malignant nodules. And I'm not really all that special, am I?

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