Sure they look cute enough, but underneath the princess costumes and the giant smiles is pure evil. It started out innocent enough, with Isabel and her little friend (age 3) playing at our house today. But these little ladies vacillated between happy tranquility and nastiness all morning. They went from bickering over toys and slamming bedroom doors to singing songs and playing with princesses. One minute they were playing at the kitchen in the toy room (while I was cleaning the real kitchen) and the next I heard the front door open. As I was sprinting to the door to retrieve the two little ladies, I slipped on a discarded princess outfit and crashed to the floor, slamming into the closet door jam. And there I lay.
I had a moment where I really thought I was going to have to call another grown person to come and take care of the kids. I had Alex get the little girls back into the house and lock the door (which had been locked before..) and I assessed the situation. Huge bruised lump on the left shin. Imprint of a door jam on swollen right knee. Right hip pain. Swollen right hand. Then I realized that the impact of the fall was so hard that it made me pee my pants. Seriously? I have nearly peed my pants from laughing, and Lord knows I needed to do a zillion kegels after having three babies, but... seriously??
So I did what any parent does when they realize that they are completely defeated. I put Dora on the TV for the pretty little demons, changed my clothes, iced my injuries and started to reclaim my dignity. Might be time to put a chain on that door.