What's in a Name?


the left side

always the left side.  again the left side. 

The weekend before I was supposed to start training in earnest for the half marathon I started feeling that all-too-familiar, none-too-fun ache in my left hamstring and lower back.  I stretched and stretched and decided to give it a little time to heal.  But I really didn't stop running.  In fact, during our week on the beach I ran even more, since the waves were way too crazy for *real* swimming and I didn't have a gym.  So my hip started complaining too, and now I am following my own advice and, "listening to my body".  I am back at the chiropractor, shortening my runs, stretching and icing and hoping that all will be better soon.  While I am frustrated to be doing this again, I am glad that I still have a couple months until the half marathon.

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