What's in a Name?



It is interesting to see how the relationships between my children are evolving.  Two years ago we referred to Alex as the disciple, since he was the unquestioning follower of Devin (who in Alex's mind might as well have been Jesus Christ).  Now Alex still loves to play with Devin, but he no longer views his brother as infallible.  Alex is all about the good time and is willing to play with anyone who is having fun. 
When Isabel joined in the reindeer games, Alex played with her like she was a peer.  I remember him saying to her (when she was a mere 15 months old), "Ok, first you have a turn and then I'll have a turn.  Got it?".  I am confident that she did not 'get it', but their friendship has continued to grow.  Alex plays video games and sports with Devin, and does more imaginary play with Izzy.  Devin is truly Isabel's 'big brother'; he reads her books and fills her milk cup and helps her when she needs it.  Alex is her playmate.  So when this came home from preschool yesterday I almost melted. 

I showed it to Alex and he absolutely beamed.  Then he went over to Izzy and gave her a huge hug, and said "Thank you Izzy!".  That time I did melt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. I hope they always stay best freinds. Hope Izzy is enjoying going to school. I miss you guys.
Love, Aunt Jo