What's in a Name?


April 24

I have a cold. Its April 24th and I have a cold. Seems pretty unfair, right? Not sure where it came from since both the kids are healthy. Maybe just fatigue...
We have been non-stop crazy since before Easter with the King's family in town, Easter, Henry's birthday and friends' birthdays. All good things, but seriously busy. Plus I ran a bunch last week and my back was bothering me (I think because I didn't stretch afterward). I think I have that under control now though. I have been stretching and I even did one of the King's yoga tapes, which I really liked. I need to get it together though. Too many decadent meals and too much birthday cake hasn't helped. Now I feel like I need to get back into my routine, but my cold has slowed me down.
This doesn't bode well though, since we have a really crazy summer planned already... but I'll rally. I'm usually pretty adaptable to all the craziness and getting my training in. I just need to stay healthy. I have been reading the training book about training more efficiently and it seems like it can help. The challenge is that their training plans still call for 9 workouts per week, although many are shorter. I'll figure it out though. I want to get through the book and come up with a training plan to kick off next week. I have a 5k planned for May 21st and my first tri will be late July, so I think that will give me plenty of time. I am running 3-4 miles regularly now and swimming over a mile each workout, so I just need to get on the bike... once the King tunes it for me. Until then I've been to spinning class a couple times, but its just not the same! Anyway, I feel pretty good about where I am starting from for my training. I can do this.

btw - three days after Henry turned a year he started walking. Pretty wild. Its almost like he decided that the time had come - he was one year old and he had to walk. Its all too cool though.

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