The new year brought for me the realization that my youngest was almost a year old and therefore my excuse for being out of shape was quickly diminishing. So Andy and I got serious about getting in shape - through dieting and working out more. And it is working (diet and exercise - who knew?). I have reached my pre-pregnancy weight but am a few pounds up from my goal weight and I fit in to the clothes that I wanted to fit into, and actually have needed to buy some new stuff because I'm smaller than I've been in a while. I am really glad about this (actually its pretty huge for someone who has always struggled with weight), but the last few days I have been feeling pretty bad about my appearance and diet again. Maybe its because I have basically stopped dieting even though I have a few pounds to go, or maybe its because I haven't worked out the last couple days. Or maybe I'm starting to get nervous about training (and having the time to train). I don't know. And I know that a couple days off from training and a couple days of over-indulgence won't ruin everything, but I wish the two didn't happen in synch. I could justify the elaborate meal that Andy and I will have on our date night tonight if I knew I put some miles in today... but I need to relax.
I think that part of the problem is that I am better when I have a plan, which is not to say that I am so rigid that I need to plan out every minute thing, but I need a general training plan and some races to shoot for to feel like I am working towards something. I have earmarked a few races, but haven't signed up fir anything because we have some family things to sort out (planning birthday parties and vacations...). And I haven't committed to a training plan yet because the ones I have found have either been too easy to too time consuming. I need a training plan that is challenging in intensity but doesn't require the 9-12 workouts per week that my former plan followed. I ordered a book from Amazon (Time Saving Training for Multisport Athletes) that my fellow triathletes recommended, and I hope that this book will help me modify the training plan I used previously to meet my time limitations. I think that if I get the training plan sorted out and the races decided upon then I will be more focused, and the eating thing will hopefully fall into line as well. Here's to hoping!
the text that changed my life
4 years ago
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