What's in a Name?


another day

I'm definitely feeling better. After the back-pain and good food of the previous week, I really had a good workout week and I ate reasonably well. I ran a couple times without back pain, did yoga, swam before William's swim lessons (which were awesome! He's not yet three and a total fish!) and managed to squeeze in spinning and lifting. Not hard-core training, but not too shabby either. And here's the kicker - I got on the scale at the gym expecting to see punishment for my week of debauchery, and I actually lost a couple pounds. I have to hope that happened because I have been working out a lot and not something else... but still. Yoohoo!

We went up to our vacation home in NH yesterday to get settled in (we bought into the house with some friends), and it was a tough night for the boys. Henry did okay (better than last time we were away from home) and William really struggled. Will's at the age where he's starting to get scared about things, especially at night, and the different sounds (the heat kicking on, etc) nearly sent him over the edge. Needless to say we are all tired, and we missed out on the one form of exercise that we had planned for the day. We were going to do a 1.5 mile easy hike with the boys (the King carrying Henry in the back pack and William walking with me), but we couldn't find the trail head and Will was starting to lose steam, so instead we went for lunch. Its tough trying to squeeze things in between Henry's morning and afternoon naps. I will be glad when he goes down to one. Anyway, I had thought about lifting tonight after we got the boys in bed, but I'm totally bushed. It will have to happen tomorrow...

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