What's in a Name?


Thankful - Day 4

My sister and some friends on Facebook are doing "Thirty Days of Thankful" for the month of November. Each day they are posting something in their lives for which they are grateful. I decided to do the same, but will write it here instead. 

Day 4

Today I am thankful for the health of my family.  Being healthy is something that we often times take for granted; it is something we don't worry about unless something catastrophic happens.  Those who know me, know that my family has experienced catastrophic.  My beautiful niece Brianna was born with a series of heart defects which required her to go through many surgeries in her nine years, three months and nineteen days on this planet.  Through her life, and through the experiences that my sister and brother-in-law had in parenting a sick child, I have learned all too well how important our health is.  I am so very grateful that my family, immediate and extended, is in good health.  I pray that this continues and that we all live happy, healthy and wonderfully fulfilling lives.

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