What's in a Name?


Thankful - Day 8

My sister and some friends on Facebook are doing "Thirty Days of Thankful" for the month of November. Each day they are posting something in their lives for which they are grateful. I decided to do the same, but will write it here instead.

Day 8

Today I am thankful for my body.  I read an interview with an actress (whom I respect, and who is not pin thin), and she said that she makes it a point to frequently say positive things about her own body in front of her daughter, because she wants to counter some of the negative body image messages in the media.  Given that our kids really do listen to us more than we realize, I decided to start doing the same.  And to be honest, I am thankful for my body.  I am grateful that it continues to support all of my athletic pursuits and challenges.  Last month I competed in the greatest athletic feat that I have ever attempted, and I did it!  I raced hard and even though my body wanted to stop, I pushed on and finished strong.  I truly am grateful for my body.  To quote one of my favorite singers, "it may not be perfect, but it works for me."

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