What's in a Name?


Happiness is...

spending a jammie day with my Buddy dog and my twinkle toes...


Making spirits bright

Some pictures from our very merry Christmas morning...

Devin is a little excited!

Alex's biggest Lego challenge yet!

merry merry

Devin quickly decided to take this show outside... before 8am.

Nothing like riding my new bike in my new boots with my new bear.

Buddy is enjoying his Christmas gifts.

Party Rockin in the House Tonight

Izzy and I doing a little Dancy Party 3!


We want snow!!

Isabel insists that it can't be Christmas without snow.  Even though the temps are in the fifties and sixties, she and Devin are prepared.


Christmas Card 2011

Here are some shots that didn't make the cut...  but they are still darn cute!


December is...

December is crazy. Too busy for words. So for December I will follow the mantra that a picture is worth a thousands words. 

my tiny dancer

Ta Da!!



Thunder Road part III - post mortem

Ok.  So I really didn't see this coming, but I PR'd Thunder Road again.  (Insert huge cheesy grin here).  It was tough though.  I started off moving well and just went with it.  I was running at a 9:10 pace for the first eight or nine miles.  I was going to PR!  Then the hills started taking a toll on me, and the mile markers started getting farther and farther apart (or so it seemed).  I walked while getting my eater at the water station after mile marker ten for a few seconds and my legs were really cramping.  But I kept running.  The hills after mile marker eleven were brutal.  I wanted so badly to walk up the hills, but I promised Alex* I wouldn't.  I shuffled along, cramping in my side and my legs.  I kept running.  By then I knew a PR was an option, but not a guarantee.  Somewhere in mile twelve I picked up my pace.  When I saw my friends and family near the finish I got that extra burst to finish strong. 


Nearly a minute faster than last year, and few minutes faster than I thought I would run that day.  I was thrilled!!  This was an accomplishment that I only achieved because of the support of my friends and family, and especially because of my Alex.  

* Alex got up early before my race and wished me good luck while the rest of the house slept.  I hugged him tight and I told him that at some point my race would get really hard and I would want to walk, but I wouldn't walk because I would think about Alex and his good luck and that would make me keep going.  He liked that and gave me a huge smile. 


Thunder Road part III

Tomorrow I am running the Thunder Road half marathon for the third time.  It's a very hilly race through some of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Charlotte.  I know how hard those hills can be.  I am not planning on a PR.  But I am really excited to do this race again.  There is something really comforting in returning to an event year after year. 

I've loved this shirt since I first saw it in 2009.  I figure after three times I've earned it.  Flat is for sissies.  =)



Happiness is making your very first nutella and banana sandwich.  Yum!!



There are a number of women in my life who are recovering and recuperating from injuries or surgeries (or about to have surgery).  They all seem to be making progress, but each of them wants to be further than they are now.  I completely understand this.  It is frustrating not to be completely self sufficient or not to be able to do the things that bring up joy (and sanity).  Some of my girls will not walk for weeks, some will walk but cannot run or cannot do the "normal" things that make up their lives.  No matter what the situation, each wants to be doing more and feeling better.
When I broke my leg three and a half years ago, I was in the same place.  For a month, I hopped around on crutches before I could put weight on my foot.  I could make myself a cup of coffee, but I couldn't bring it to the table to drink it.  I could feed and change Isabel (who was three months old at the time) but I could not carry her.  I had a five year old, a three year old, a three month old and four weeks on crutches.  My worries about losing baby weight and maybe training for races were long gone.  I could not prepare a meal for my family.  I could not do laundry.  I needed help.  I needed to heal.
These are the times in our lives when we need accept both our limitations and (when needed) the help of others.  Our bodies need time to recover and recuperate and we owe it to ourselves to take that time.  It takes some degree of courage to do this; courage to accept that we cannot do the things that we want to do; courage to lower our expectations of ourselves.  This is a difficult thing to do.
For my girls who are living this right now, I hope that they can be gentle with themselves as their bodies heal. 


Battle of Books

Devin is obsessed with the Percy Jackson books.  A friend gave him the first three of the series for his eighth birthday.  He devoured them.
For those of you unaware, Percy Jackson is a twelve-year-old demigod (meaning he's the son of a mortal woman and the Greek god Poseidon). Percy goes to a camp for demigods where he learns to leverage some of his talents, like harnessing the power of water (did I mention he's Poseidon's son?) and fighting with weapons and he befriends a satyr and other demigods.  Then Percy and his friends go on a quest to prevent a war between the Greek gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.  That is the high-level summary of the first book.  Devin has read all five (of the 300+ page books) in the series.  Then he asked about the next series by the same author.  This one continues with the Greek gods, but the books are even longer and the plots and the cast of characters continues to grow. 
I love it.  This kid will willingly pick up one of these books at any time and disappear.  I am thrilled that he has found a series that has deepened his love of reading.  I just wish that there were more books in the series.  We are down to the last book, and I am wondering what will be next.  Therefore, I have been encouraging Devin to branch out to other book series.  I have suggested Harry Potter and 39 Clues (my niece's recommendation) but he has no interest.  No interest in Harry Potter?!?  This is the series that made reading cool for a whole new generation of kids.  I have read every one of the books, and they are phenomenal.  I just don't understand it.  We have had this conversation more than once, and Devin remains resolute.  He is not interested in reading Harry Potter.
In the car tonight Andy was asking Devin about the Percy Jackson books, and he finally got to the root of Devin's issue with Harry Potter.  Devin said, "Percy Jackson is cool.  He fights with swords and water and stuff.  Harry Potter just has a wand."  When you put it that way, it sounds much less cool. 
So I am open for recommendations....


all in the span of two hours

It started with a lack of water.  We had no water.  Toilets weren't flushing, faucets were dribbling.  I called the water company only to learn that the water was shut off for lack of payment.  What?  So I hopped online to see that my scheduled payment was supposed to go through today.  But I paid bills over a week ago, so why so late?  Clearly there was an issue with the online banking.  I mean, I wouldn't schedule the payment to be an extra week late since I just don't make mistakes, really.  The water company let me know that they are now accepting electronic payments from the banks, so my future payments should go through in a day or two.  Yippieee!  Welcome to 2005!  They assured me that they would turn my water back on, but suggested I call before Friday to ensure that they payment was received. 
Then the power went out.  The rain had finally stopped, but the wind was pretty crazy.  I wasn't sure if my neighbors lost power, because it wasn't dark yet.  Plus, given the recent online banking snafu, I decided to call the power company to ensure that there weren't any payment issues there.  The automated system logged my call, so I still wasn't sure of the source of trouble until a neighbor called.  They had lost power as well, so I felt a little better knowing that I wasn't a complete deadbeat.
Buddy (the dog) used my distraction about the power (finding candles and flashlights while I could still see) to live up to the puppy rep by stealing things off the kitchen counter and chewing the kids toys.  Over and over again.  Finally I convinced the boys and their friends to play in the kitchen where they could keep an eye on Buddy while I played with Isabel.
The power came on, I started dinner and asked Alex to take Buddy outside to play.  For some reason the dog was very agitated and I figured some running around the yard would help.  I was in the middle of cleaning chicken breasts for dinner and assuring Devin that he did not need to throw away his chewed on toys while talking to Andy on the phone when Alex came to the door to tell me that Buddy was exceptionally muddy.  He was telling me that Buddy stepped on his shoes and got him all dirty when Buddy burst through the door and went skidding and slipping all over the hardwoods.  I started yelling and chasing him (knife in one hand, juice from a raw chicken dripping from the other).  The more I yelled and chased the more he ran.  Finally I trapped him in the bathroom and dragged him outside.  Alex was in tears.  The other kids were in shock.  I was losing my mind.
Everyone went to their rooms while I finished dinner.  Then the boys went outside to hose down Buddy, take him for a walk and dry him while I mopped the entire first floor.  Then Izzy and I started in on the carpets.  Devin fed the dog, Alex set the table and I poured a very large glass of wine as we sat down to dinner.  Maybe it was two glasses.  I earned it.

PS - for the record, the knife in my hand was intended for the raw chicken, not the dog.


The big race!

It's official.  I am a triathlete again.  I competed in my first triathlon in 1999 with a very basic training plan, a mountain bike and a desire to do something new.  Over the course of the last twelve years I have competed in two or three triathlons during some summers, and have taken long, long breaks while pregnant or nursing my three children (somehow the "milk shake" during the run was a huge deterrence for me. Go figure.). 
Last summer I decided not to 'tri' but to just focus on running.  I wasn't that motivated for triathlons, and Andy wanted to 'tri'.  We both thought it would be difficult for the two of us to train while caring for three little kids. 
This summer we decided to figure out the training; we were incredibly organized with our time and we even occasionally paid babysitters so we could train.  And train we did.  We also each did a sprint or two in anticipation of our Olympic distance triathlon at Myrtle Beach last weekend.  It worked.  Our schedule was crazy at times, but we both felt well prepared for our race, and it showed. 
Andy had a great showing in his first Olympic distance triathlon.  He felt good in the water, he rocked the bike and he held tough in the run (when the day was heating up).  He felt good, he looked great and he finished without walking at all! 
For me, the last Olympic distance triathlon was nine years and three babies ago.  That race was a longer swim, a shorter ride and in the mountains.  I finished in 3 hours and ten minutes.  The Myrtle Beach race was a shorter swim (unfortunate for me), a longer bike (also unfortunate for me) and a flat course with crazy head winds.  I wasn't sure what to expect for a finishing time, but I set a goal of finishing in 3 hours.  The swim was good.  The bike was hard.  The best part of the ride was the fact that I rode with Andy on and off for about ten miles before he left me in the dust.  It just took a lot out of me.  The run was decent.  I struggled with the first few miles, but about half way through I found my legs to finish strong.  I crossed the finish line at 2:58:26 and I was thrilled!!!



It is interesting to see how the relationships between my children are evolving.  Two years ago we referred to Alex as the disciple, since he was the unquestioning follower of Devin (who in Alex's mind might as well have been Jesus Christ).  Now Alex still loves to play with Devin, but he no longer views his brother as infallible.  Alex is all about the good time and is willing to play with anyone who is having fun. 
When Isabel joined in the reindeer games, Alex played with her like she was a peer.  I remember him saying to her (when she was a mere 15 months old), "Ok, first you have a turn and then I'll have a turn.  Got it?".  I am confident that she did not 'get it', but their friendship has continued to grow.  Alex plays video games and sports with Devin, and does more imaginary play with Izzy.  Devin is truly Isabel's 'big brother'; he reads her books and fills her milk cup and helps her when she needs it.  Alex is her playmate.  So when this came home from preschool yesterday I almost melted. 

I showed it to Alex and he absolutely beamed.  Then he went over to Izzy and gave her a huge hug, and said "Thank you Izzy!".  That time I did melt.


the eye of the beholder

My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir
"There's nothin wrong with lovin who you are"
She said, "'cause he made you perfect, babe"
"So hold your head up girl and you'll go far,
Listen to me when I say"
I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way 
(Lady Gaga)

It started with the blue eyes.  "I want beautiful blueberry eyes like you Mommy."  Then it was the yellow hair.  "Why does Devin get yellow hair?  He's a boy."  Then Izzy decided that she could ask Santa to bring her yellow hair and blue eyes. Of course I tell her that she is beautiful.  I mean, just look at her!  I think she's gorgeous.  When I ask her how she got to be so cute, Izzy says,"It's the way God made me."  Yep, she was born this way...


Puppy Love

I mean seriously, how could you not love this little face?

After a good deal of research and a few dog sitting escapades, we are in the process of adopting a Goldendoodle (part Golden Retriever, part Poodle).  These dogs are good for allergies and they don't shed (wooohooo!!!!).  We have been looking to rescue a younger, hopefully well-trained dog, but found a puppy instead.  The people who tell you that having a puppy is like having a baby don't lie, and house training is not my favorite part of dog ownership.  And my already hectic schedule is a little more insane because I have to factor in trips to the house to let the dog out...but he sure is sweet and he sure is cute and the kids are in love.  So welcome Buddy.  We hope to make you ours.


Here he comes!

Alex is a smart kid.  We have known that for ages, but a psychologist confirmed that for us a year and a half ago when he was IQ tested.  So I wasn't phased when he was reading the "Rising Second Grade" books this summer... before starting first grade.  I was pretty impressed when he picked up a math sheet a couple weeks ago and knocked out the double digit addition (without carrying... but still!).  Then last night he amazed me.  As a stall tactic at bedtime, Alex asks us to give him math problems.  I decided to challenge him a bit, and I gave him this one.
"I have fifteen jelly beans and I want to give them to you, Devin and Isabel.  How many do I give to each of you so that it's fair and you have the same amount."  Alex was quiet for about ten or fifteen seconds, and then he said, "Five each".  So he's doing division. in his head. and he's six. 

Have fun in first grade tomorrow, little man!!


pictures from Chicago

We had a wonderful visit with the family in Chicago. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

Hennessy family picture with my cousin Donna!

A favorite among the cousins is climbing Grandma and Grandpa's tree.
Nothing more fun than a bucket of water.

Kindred spirits - Kaley and Izzy.
the Outlaws

Ryan is such a goofball.  No wonder Devin and Alex idolize him!

The littlest cousins playing in the pool!

Yes, they are sitting on the roof. 

Leger's and Blake's at the Arboretum

I believe I can fly...

This one just made me laugh - sooooo Alex!

We had such a great visit!  I forgot to bring my camera, so all these pictures are courtesy of my sister, Eileen.  Maybe if Aunt Jo sends me pictures of the Cubs game, I can post some of them too (hint, hint!).


The darnedest things

Sometimes kids really do say the most amazing things, and Devin is no exception.  Here are some from the last couple weeks: 
- The morning after the last of our trips this summer (where we were out of town all but a week and a half in a calendar month), Devin said to Alex, "Wasn't it great sleeping in your own bed last night?"
- We were talking about the kids going back to school, and upon learning that Isabel would be going to preschool, Devin said to me, "Mom, you're finally going to get some time to yourself!"
- I was getting ready to go out with Andy and I walked into the hallway where Devin said, "Wow!"  I asked him if I startled him, and he said, "No.  It's just, you look pretty.  I haven't seen that dress before."

I think I'm in love.


Tri Training Again

I don't think I ever posted a follow-up to this post a couple months ago when I was lamenting my too tight pants and considering triathlon training. Again.  After some hesitation and a "trial period" where we took on the juggling act of fitting triathlon training into our already busy lives, Andy and I decided to go for it.  We are in.  We are training for an Olympic distance triathlon in October.  What this means is that we don't sleep.  Sincerely.  I mean, how else are we going to fit in the 6-10 hours per week that we spend training.  But it's good.  Without triathlon training I wouldn't push myself to run after a spin class or to get up before the sun to get my mileage in before the kids get up.  It's really not in my nature.  I am enjoying the challenge though.  I am pushing myself in a way that I haven't in a long time. 

Plus, Andy found me a sweet new tri bike. 

While I was a little hesitant to spend the money, he convinced me that the twelve year old bike that I was tooling around on was ready to retire.  I love it!!  Andy has warned me though that if I beat him on the bike leg of our race he's going to sell the bike. 


Beachtime with Friends

And the fun continues...

Rock Climbing

On the big cannon at Ft. Moultrie

Looking for fish
the skim board fanatics

my little love

surfer girls

my goofballs

Kid Pyramid


Summer Part II

You may have guessed from my previous post but the first part of our summer was all about swim team.  With five practices (per child) and two meets each week, how could it not be all about swim team, right?  And it was great.  We spent lots of time with our friends (er... at least the ones on swim team) and everyone had a great season.  Now we are in Part II of our summer, which is all about travel.  From July 9th to August 8th, the kids and I will spend a total of 9 days at home (today included).  Here are some pictures from our trips thus far...

Good Morning Monkeys!

Sweet Alex

Sassy Girl

"Look Mom!"

Best Buds

Silly kids eating ice cream on the beach...

Rock star!!


The sign says it all...

Life really is good at the beach.