I decided to take a couple days off to let my back recover, and that has turned into almost a week off. Seriously. I think I did yoga once this week. I consciously decided to take the first couple days off for my back, then William got sick. Poor guy. Obviously I really felt bad for him, but I was also bummed that it killed any chance that I had of getting to the gym (or finish any holiday errands). I think he'll be back at school tomorrow and I can go to Pilates. If my back does well, then maybe I can get some good workouts in this weekend (in between the birthday parties and holiday festivities). I'm tired today. I actually just realized that Wills has slept through the night only once this week. Having a sick child is like having an infant. I hope William kicks this soon, and that the rest of us stay healthy...
A few weeks ago I worked with a great trainer (who is the Yoda of triathlete.com) to complete a fitness assessment and nutrition plan for me. He collected all kinds of info on me (current weight, measurements, current exercise regimen, etc) and gave me some recommendations to get into better shape. I went into this thinking that I was okay with my size but not thrilled with my shape. His recommendation was that I work on losing fat and gaining muscle to bring my body fat percentage down. Sounds easy enough, right? So I have been counting calories, fat, protein and carbs daily. It kind of sucks. It really sucked at first, but we quickly learned that certain recipes provide all of that info (thank you Cooking Light), so I don't have to calculate it myself (where calculating means measuring out each ingredient, looking up the details on that online, adding all the numbers for each ingredient and dividing by the number of servings). I also need maintain my current cardio routine and lift more often; he recommended that I lift pretty heavy weight (where I am reaching fatigue after 8-12 reps). The workouts have been good. I really like lifting, and have been pretty motivated to workout often. I did something to my back last weekend, so I have been taking it a little easier this week... but probably not easy enough, since I am still in pain. I think its because I haven't been consistent about stretching well after my workouts, and this can really mess me up - especially after runs. I am hopeful that with a couple days off and some yoga or pilates I'll be back on track soon. I did pretty well through Thanksgiving; I ate healthy during the day and then I really enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner. I also enjoyed the leftovers for a couple days, but I think I balanced the rest of my eating pretty well. Christmas should be another story though. We will be staying with family for a week and a half and my mother will inevitably make her usual zillion Christmas cookies. Its like I walk through the door and become a kid again... "cookies for breakfast? Sure!". I just hope I don't undo all the good that I have done thus far.
I was all excited that the website that I use to post my blog actually remembered my login for a change, so I didn't have to log in. Small thing really, but exciting nonetheless. Then I noticed a little blurb about upgrading to a newer version of the service and I went for it. Newer is better, right? So I had to log in to my blog (thereby taking away my brief satisfaction about the remembered password) and then was prompted for a google login. I didn't think I had a google account, so I filled out the form to create an account, and was promptly informed that my email address already existed in their system. Now I clearly need the little service where they email me my password; if I didn't know I had an account then surely I don't know my password. However, there are no links to this service on the page. I click a couple links that I think may take me to something that will let me ask for my password, but all for naught. So I restarted my browser and came back to the home page for the blog service only to have to log in again. Ugh! This time (after providing my password, again) I decide to skip the upgrade and come straight to write a new entry in my blog. Now I forgot what I was planning to write about. So until another day...
We recently attended a Halloween party hosted by the March of Dimes at the Children's Museum. All the little ones were in full costume and a lot of fun was had by all. However, what struck me at this event was that the King and I were the only people there who did not have preemies (and given the size of my kids, I felt like we stood out...). It was a little strange, and I almost felt like I needed to justify our attendance. I explained to one very friendly woman that we support the March of Dimes. I told her that when my niece Brianna was in the NICU for her heart the nurses called her the "big sister" because at 8lbs 5oz she was huge compared to all the preemie babies. I guess seeing all those little ones touched me in some way. And lets face it, the March of Dimes helps kids. They help babies. Why wouldn't we support them? When that same woman got up to speak at the event she started talking about how everyone in the room knew about the struggles and joys, fear, anxiety and hopefully relief that comes with having a preemie and then she mentioned meeting me, a mother who doesn't have a preemie, and she said that we were there because we support children and support organizations that help children. I was a little embarrassed then, but I realized that she was grateful for our support - especially since we weren't in the same situation as all of the other people there. I guess for me, helping any organization that helps kids makes me feel like I am doing something good and positive to honor Brianna. Since I can't bring her back, I guess that will have to do.
We have been busy again. I feel like that is our norm though, and the King and I are periodically taking steps to try to slow our lives down. For instance, we decided not to go to our vacation place this weekend even though a nearby town over is having a big pumpkin festival that the kids would probably love. However, it will be a full house with all the owners (and some guests) there and we know it would be anything but restful. Since we are coming off a week where Devin had (has?) a stomach bug and I have a cold, we need restful. I hope we can stick with it... In other news I am trying to figure out a way to stay motivated and get into better shape before I start tri training again. One would think that I would be in amazing shape since I was training so much, but I was also eating a lot. After my last race I started dieting and lost a couple pounds, but I think that I have found them again. I think I'm just not motivated to constantly watch what I eat. When I reflect on when I lost my baby weight after William was born, I feel like once I made the decision to get healthy I just stuck with it. But then over time I eventually snuck up a few pounds (ironically to the exact weight that I am now). The same thing happened after Henry was born. I decided to lose the baby weight and got down to a good weight pretty easily (I actually got down to the same weight as I was after having William, but was a size smaller. How cool is that?). I'm not saying it wasn't hard work, but I had an easier time doing it for some reason. I think I was in the zone; I was just really focused. Again though, over a few months my weight climbed a few pounds and I am having a really hard time getting them off. I almost feel like my body wants to be that weight - that my "normal" is slightly overweight. Man do I want to change that. Time to get motivated again. BTW - the title of my post is from the Phish song "Weigh". Seemed appropriate.
Funny how this happens. I can't believe that a month has passed since I last wrote. My loyal readers are probably terribly disappointed (sic). A lot has happened this month. I competed in another tri, William started preschool, the King abandoned me for a week (work travel - a likely story) and I had a birthday. I am officially 30 (again!).The tri was the 9th of September, and it was really pretty tough. The half mile swim was really flipping cold; I now realize that wetsuits really aren't optional for September races. The bike was a little longer than expected (16 mi) and it had a giant climb that really kicked my butt. There was a 1.5 mile uphill that was so steep that some cyclists were having problems staying upright (you know how you go so slow that you can't balance... yeah like that). The rest of the course was hilly, but more of what I am used to. However, that huge hill just did me in - and we had to do it twice! Then the run was your normal 5k. It was also hilly but again what I am used to since its quite hilly where I live. I was glad to have done it and overall pleased with my results (strong swim, crappy ride, decent run). I think my recent health scares took some focus off of training for my race, so I think that part of me was just glad to be past the race and have the good results (race and health) to celebrate.Another reason to celebrate is that Wills started pre-school (3 mornings a week). Wooohooo! He likes it, although he still would rather be home than there. He learned something pretty important the first day of school - he learned to pee standing up. Pretty funny... he's all proud of himself. We are finally getting into a pretty good routine with school and its impact on our lives (getting the boys out of the house before 9:00 seemed a pretty daunting task before). All in all things are really good.
benign...benign...benign!!!I couldn't be more happy! Yoooohoooo!! Clearly that is a huge relief. I know that thyroid cancer is the cancer to get (if you have to get one), but I am still quite glad not to have it. Now I just need to figure out the lung thing. I went for a set of pulmonary function tests last week and am waiting for the results; I think I did alright though. I am still using Albuterol before working out and that seems to be helping. And frankly, given the other health issues that I was potentially facing, a little inhaler before exercising is nothing! That being said, I am competing in another tri on Saturday. I feel like I have lost my focus lately (given the health issues in the family and all - did I mention our ER trip for William's bug bite...?), but I know that I can complete the race. I don't expect to set any records, but I can complete it. I haven't really been enjoying my training as much lately, and am actually looking forward to doing some other things (like hiking and Pilates). I am thinking about doing a 10k in October, but I haven't signed up for anything yet. We'll see. Right now I am just thrilled that the family all seems to be healthy!
Since my last post I determined that I really wasn't experiencing tightness in my chest during workouts when I consistently used the Albuterol inhaler prior to working out. While it is exciting to feel good during workouts again, I am a little nervous about needing the inhaler for exercise. It could be worse though. My doc ordered a full set of pulmonary function tests to determine the overall view of how my lungs are performing these days, and she told me I can race next month if I feel up to it and the Albuterol seems to be working. Very cool. The bigger issue is that I am going to meet with an endocrinologist tomorrow about my thyroid. The thyroid ultrasound showed a nodule that my doc thought might need a biopsy so I'm going to the specialist. Little nerve-wracking, but I know that the majority (like 95%) of people who get biopsies do not have malignant nodules. And I'm not really all that special, am I?
After my week off I have been back at it again. I'm glad to be working out, but my lungs are still and issue. I am on a daily inhaled steriod and I am supposed to use an Albuterol inhaler before workouts... if only I could remember to do so. My workouts this week have been tough; my lungs just don't seem to expand as much as they should and I really struggle in the first 5-10 minutes of my workout. Not all that enjoyable, and its even happening when I swim now. Makes me dread swimming, and I love to swim! Its a bummer. I am nervous that this will become my new normal, which would really stink. On top of the lung issues, I am going through some thyroid testing to see if there is a problem there. I have been really tired and napping more lately than I typically would, but I have attributed that to training and kids keeping me up at night. Maybe not, but I guess we will have to wait and see.
I managed to train well for a week or so after my race, but was so flipping busy that I haven't written (sorry). Then I took a week off - a whole week where I did not workout even once. Normally I would be a little uptight about that, but this was all for good reasons. Last Thursday we started filming Trading Spaces - a three day event. We had applied to be on the show last fall with our friends A & J, and we went pretty far through the process, but they chose to go with teams closer to the city for a more urban setting. Then they called us a couple weeks back to see if we were still interested (the network picked them up for a few more shows so they called us back), and two weeks later we were taping the show. Pretty wild. We had a blast. The first day was a lot of setup and filming background info. The next two days were all about working in the room. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The day after taping ended (we were exhausted and we had a great new room!) my old friend Ted came to visit. Theo and I became friends when I was sixteen and we were incredibly close. While I haven't seen him in probably eight years, its amazing how the relationship seems to pick up where it left off with good old friends. The next day I went to Chicago for my Grandmother's funeral, which was quite sad. She had been ill for a long time and was deteriorating rapidly, so while we realize she is in a better place, it is never easy to lose someone you love. It was nice to see my family though, despite the reason. Today is the first day that I feel like we are getting back to normal and I actually got a workout in again. I am doing another race next month, so I need to get serious again. I hope that the remainder of this month stays pretty mellow though...
don't call it a come back; i've been here for years...
or rather I've been on the sidelines for years... but I'm back! When I got up at 5:30 race-day morning it was pouring. I mean pouring! Thunder, lightening the whole bit... and I started thinking, "Should I really do this? Given my recent health issues and the weather, is this all a sign that I should just skip it this morning?" But then I reminded myself that triathlons are not for the weak! By the time I got to the race site the rain had slowed to a drizzle and things were looking good. I set up my transition area, scouted the entry and exit points, waited in the hour long line for the port-o-let and had time to kiss all my boys before heading to the sand. The weather was perfect - dry, little sunny, mid-seventies. However, the swim was a little tough. I really struggled to find an open place to swim, and I couldn't seem to get into any kind of a rhythm until well into the swim. I didn't really feel like my chest was tight (thanks goodness!) but I really didn't feel smooth either. I was just off. But the bike was good. I think that between the extra time spent on my trainer and the hills around my house, I really made some improvements on the bike. It was great. The run started out tough; I had a pretty solid cramp in my left calf, which hung on until about 8 minutes into the run. I didn't feel like I was moving well; in fact at first the only people I passed on the run were walking. When we went into the trail section of the run, the craziness really began. All the rain from the last couple days, plus all the people in the three waves in front of me made the trail into a pure mud-path. Everyone was mostly just trying to move from one rock to another to avoid the giant mud puddles. I even ran right out of each of my shoes at different points. When I got back on the road, it felt like each foot was an extra five pounds, and the mud was just flying off my feet as I ran. However, I think the trail re-energized me because I started feeling good again. I finished in 1:25:04 - a time with which I am quite happy. I am a little bummed about my swim (clocking my slowest swim in my triathlon history), thrilled about my bike (probably one of my fastest) and overall I am quite proud of my come back!
So as recently as yesterday I thought I might not race tomorrow. We all had a rough morning on Friday, since Henry was up from 11 - 2am and the Wills got up at 7am. So tired. I went for a run around lunch time (87 degrees and humid) and felt pretty crappy the first five minutes. My chest felt seriously tight; lungs not expanding to full capacity. It got much better, but the beginning of the run really dissapointed me. I really wish I had gotten better rest, but I can't pinpoint that as the thing that I need to get better. Do I need rest? time? meds?... all of the above? At any rate, I decided to swim this morning to see how I felt and to finally decide if I would race tomorrow. I had a really good swim. My chest was still tight at first, but it got better as I went. I swam a 500 in 8 minutes, which is typical for a training swim, and I felt good afterward. I am a little concerned about the race tomorrow, since I haven't done any long workouts since this virus took me down. And during my run yesterday I kept thinking, "I have to start running an hour after I started racing. Can my lungs handle this?". I hate doubting myself. Its tough enough to prepare for my first race in four years, but to struggle with my health on top of it only adds strain and uncertainty. I really want a victorious comeback, but I might have to settle for just doing my best given the situation. After all, there are other races...
So its four days until my first triathlon in four years and I'm fighting a virus. It started a couple days ago with a sore throat (which resulted in laryngitis) and a chest cold. I went to the doc today and she said that my lungs sound clear, but when she gave me the lung test where you blow into a spirometer I couldn't even move it half way. Clearly my doctor was surprised, since she explained how to complete the test again, and had me try again. My results were the same. Pretty poor lung function for someone who is planning to compete in a race in a couple days. I think I need my lungs for my tri. She put me on a steriod (prednisone) and an albuterol inhaler. She also told me that I need to listen to my body and if I am not healthy enough to race I should skip it. Or if I start and find my lungs aren't doing well I should quit. The latter would be pretty tough for me; I would find it hard to quit once I've started. Actually either skipping or quitting would be hard for me, but I won't race if I'm not better. Its not worth it. I want my first time back to be a good racing experience. So I have a couple days to get healthy. Hopefully rest and the wonders of modern meds will do the trick.
Overall our trip to Chicago was good. The boys had a lot of fun with the families and we certainly enjoyed seeing everyone. The only bummer was that the boys were sick. Will had a cold when we got there, and Henry had a high fever and a rash toward the end. That developed into an ugly cold and pink eye for them both... not a lot of fun for us. On the training front I managed to run quite a bit in Chicago, but only biked once and didn't swim at all. I have been training well again since we got home last week, and I'm feeling pretty good for my race next week. I know that I can complete the race, but I want to do well. For me that means finishing in a time competitive with the times from my previous races. I guess we'll see next week. One good thing is that the King tuned my bike again, and now my bike is shifting like a dream. I had the greatest ride the other day and I have the King to thank for that. I love my hubby.
We're visiting the families in Chicago and today I got up at 6:00 (thank you William) and the King watched the boys while I went for a run. It was already pretty darn humid, but I was optimistic that I would have a good run, especially since I took the day off yesterday. I had a horrible night's sleep (the King and I have William in our room, and he has a cold...), but I was still optimistic. I made it to the forest preserve and noticed that they have mile markers on the trail. I thought I was coming up to the first mile marker around 9:30, but saw nothing. 10:00, 10:30 still nothing. So I start thinking, "well, this is a bike trail, maybe the mile markers are further apart since people typically ride longer than run." At 11:00 I saw the mile marker. I was dumbfounded. 11 minute miles! That's horrible. I made it a few minutes past the mile marker and came back. I thought my return trip was better, but I did the mile in 11 minutes again. I was seriously bummed. I ran a total of 39 minutes, but clearly very slowly. I think its time to start running intervals again. =(
I went for a ride the other day and had an epiphany... I love the bike! I had not been out on my bike in almost two years and while I've been on the trainer and taking spinning classes for the last couple months, its just not the same. I had a couple issues (forgot my sunglasses and nearly went blind with the dust in the eyes), but just absolutely loved my ride.I did about 17 miles (where the end was quite hilly) and I have to say riding outside is far more strenuous than any indoor rides. It felt great. I kicked my own ass.So I snuck a quick swim in today while the boys were at child watch at the gym. I didn't know how long they would last so I hopped in and swam a little more that half a mile. A friend of mine asked what my typical half mile swim time was the other day and I realized that I haven't timed myself for that distance in years. I guessed about 15 min for a training swim (aah the impact of adrenaline when racing) and I was pretty close. I did 40 lengths in 17 min (half mile is 36), so I think 15 min for a half is about right. Not really impressive, but at least I'm consistent. =) It was good to get a workout in and I had a good swim. I think I'm ready to get back into training.
Has it really been almost a month since I last posted? I knew we would have a crazy June, but I didn't expect it to start mid-May...
But between the anniversaries (some happy, some sad) in May and getting ready for our trip I should have known better. We did a road race on May 21 in honor of my niece, and it was really a good event. The race benefited Children's Hospital, and it was really nice to be amongst friends that day. I ran pushing the boys, so I really wasn't competitive, and the only real bummer was that my back started bothering me only hours after the race. I took it easy for a couple days and laid off running (but tried to stretch a ton) and things started to seem better, but then we left for vacation on June 1st. We had an amazing trip (just the hubby and I, while the boys stayed home with Grandma - thanks mom!!). Truly amazing. We spent a lot of time reading and relaxing on the beach, playing in the water and eating decadent meals. Aaaah.... the good life. I managed to run a couple times and swam in the ocean once (well, I played in the ocean a lot, but only really swam once), but the training was minimal. Basically I haven't had a good week or training until the week prior to the May 21st road race and now I'm getting a little nervous. I need to get out on my bike. I've rode on the trainer, but haven't been out on the road yet. Yikes! Time to get serious, right? But the King is leaving tomorrow for a business trip (and will be gone most of the week) and my babysitter isn't really available this week. Guess its a good thing my first race is at the end of July, eh?
I wouldn't trade the vacation though. Have I mentioned that it was fabulous?
For Mother's Day the King and the princes got me a bike trainer. Wooohooo! For the non-triathlete folks, a bike trainer is a device that you hook your road bike into and you can ride indoors like a stationary bike. The cool thing is that its still your bike, so you need to shift gears, etc while riding. Very nice. Since the boys both nap in the afternoon, I am usually able to get some kind of a workout in during the day, but before I couldn't swim, bike or run. Now I can. =) The trainer came with a couple training DVDs and I did one today; it was kind of like taking a spinning class. After the video I just rode for a bit (simulating hills) and watched some tube. Nice.the King is the bomb!
My first real week of training went well. I definitely missed a couple workouts because the boys weren't up for it or the King had plans (he's certainly entitled!), but overall I did well. I was actually able to get some exercise in during their naps three times this week, although not any swimming, biking or running. But still, I lifted at home so they didn't have to hang out longer in child care at the gym and I did yoga and pilates. While the yoga and pilates aren't triathlon specific, I really feel like they will help, especially since I have not been great about stretching a lot. Here is how my week went: Monday - off , Tuesday - run/swim , Wednesday - bike/yoga , Thursday - run , Friday - walk/lift , Saturday - swim , Sunday - pilates . Not too shabby. This week is going well so far, but I am starting to feel a little guilty about all the training time with the boys. When I train it means that they are at child care at the gym, with a babysitter or strapped in the stroller. My actual workouts aren't very long, but between Henry's two naps and the amount of time it takes us to get moving in any direction... if I work out with them then we have little time for much else. I think I might have to take a day off just to play with them. But I hate to take a day off going into the weekend, since I like to have that flexibility during the weekend if needed. Hmmm... well I knew it wasn't going to be easy.
So my slow start Monday was followed by two awesome workout days. Tuesday I ran intervals on the treadmill at the gym while the boys went to child-watch (without any major issues). Not thrilled to be back on the treadmill, but it was rainy and cold and I got to run alone... plus intervals are such a good workout. Then Tuesday night I swam 2000 yards at the pool. Another good workout - did a longer set and then some sprints. My quads seized up during cool down, but it wasn't anything that good stretching and the hottub couldn't fix. I was beat after that though. I think it will take some doing for my body to get used to two workouts in a day. Yesterday I did 30 min on the stationary bike at the gym and it was actually really good. The new training book that I'm reading (Time Saving Training for Multisport Athletes) recommended an interval workout for the stationary bike of 1 min hard, 1 min easy and it really rocked. The during the boys naps I did one of the King's yoga tapes. I'm still pretty nervous about the back pain and leg tightness that I was dealing with before, so I hope the stretching will help. That said, I didn't stretch after my run today (outside w/ Henry in the jogger), because I wanted to get to Target before lunch and nap-time and I hopped in the car right after the run. Aaah well... I'll need to do a good stretch before bed tonight.Now if I can only keep this up through the summer... =)
I pretty much decided that my training was going to start in earnest today. May first. Start of the month, first day of the week, easy to track on my training log. May first - its official. My plan was to take the boys with me on a quick run - nothing major, since I haven't run with the two of them since the fall. I thought about calling my neighbor to watch them (we trade off watching each other's kids while we run), but decided against it since I am planning to run a 5K in three weeks with them in tow. I need to get a couple runs in pushing the extra +/- 80 pounds before then. So I thought after the afternoon naps we would head out. Seemed simple enough, since our morning was quite normal... but then Henry wasn't falling asleep. He was just playing along happily enough, but he was loud enough to keep William up. Uugghhh!I put them down around 1:30. William fell asleep around 2:30 and Henry around 3:00 - very late for these boys. I woke William up at 4:15 and he cried and sat in my lap until I woke Henry up at 5:00 and he cried too. At that point there was no run to be had. The last thing I wanted to do was to head out in the stroller and have the two of them bellowing the whole time. So my official training for my big triathlon come-back year started today - with a rest day.
I'm definitely feeling better. After the back-pain and good food of the previous week, I really had a good workout week and I ate reasonably well. I ran a couple times without back pain, did yoga, swam before William's swim lessons (which were awesome! He's not yet three and a total fish!) and managed to squeeze in spinning and lifting. Not hard-core training, but not too shabby either. And here's the kicker - I got on the scale at the gym expecting to see punishment for my week of debauchery, and I actually lost a couple pounds. I have to hope that happened because I have been working out a lot and not something else... but still. Yoohoo!We went up to our vacation home in NH yesterday to get settled in (we bought into the house with some friends), and it was a tough night for the boys. Henry did okay (better than last time we were away from home) and William really struggled. Will's at the age where he's starting to get scared about things, especially at night, and the different sounds (the heat kicking on, etc) nearly sent him over the edge. Needless to say we are all tired, and we missed out on the one form of exercise that we had planned for the day. We were going to do a 1.5 mile easy hike with the boys (the King carrying Henry in the back pack and William walking with me), but we couldn't find the trail head and Will was starting to lose steam, so instead we went for lunch. Its tough trying to squeeze things in between Henry's morning and afternoon naps. I will be glad when he goes down to one. Anyway, I had thought about lifting tonight after we got the boys in bed, but I'm totally bushed. It will have to happen tomorrow...
I have a cold. Its April 24th and I have a cold. Seems pretty unfair, right? Not sure where it came from since both the kids are healthy. Maybe just fatigue...We have been non-stop crazy since before Easter with the King's family in town, Easter, Henry's birthday and friends' birthdays. All good things, but seriously busy. Plus I ran a bunch last week and my back was bothering me (I think because I didn't stretch afterward). I think I have that under control now though. I have been stretching and I even did one of the King's yoga tapes, which I really liked. I need to get it together though. Too many decadent meals and too much birthday cake hasn't helped. Now I feel like I need to get back into my routine, but my cold has slowed me down.
This doesn't bode well though, since we have a really crazy summer planned already... but I'll rally. I'm usually pretty adaptable to all the craziness and getting my training in. I just need to stay healthy. I have been reading the training book about training more efficiently and it seems like it can help. The challenge is that their training plans still call for 9 workouts per week, although many are shorter. I'll figure it out though. I want to get through the book and come up with a training plan to kick off next week. I have a 5k planned for May 21st and my first tri will be late July, so I think that will give me plenty of time. I am running 3-4 miles regularly now and swimming over a mile each workout, so I just need to get on the bike... once the King tunes it for me. Until then I've been to spinning class a couple times, but its just not the same! Anyway, I feel pretty good about where I am starting from for my training. I can do this.btw - three days after Henry turned a year he started walking. Pretty wild. Its almost like he decided that the time had come - he was one year old and he had to walk. Its all too cool though.
so we finally have a new laptop. I was hesitant at first to spend the money (I am realizing that I have become a bit of a miser since I stopped working), but our old laptop got to the point where it would close on our hands about every five minutes. pretty frustrating. especially since we use the laptop for hours each day... the King did all the research and got a good deal and now we have a slick new laptop. Yaaahhhooooooeeeeeeeeey!! This rocks!we had a fun Easter and a nice visit with the royal in-laws, but I am glad to be back to normal. I think I have about five pounds to lose from all the amazing meals and I am seriously aching to work out. I like my normal.
So the King and I talked about my races for the summer and he raised some really valid concerns about my training plans. When I first got into triathlons I worked out and kept a training log and followed a plan, but I was pretty laissez faire as well. I didn't really drink because it was hard to train the next day, but I took time off to hang out and do things too. My last year of racing I set my sights on a longer race (olympic - which was longer for me!) and I think that scared me into becoming a bit of a freak about training. I was getting pretty obsessive about training and I would stress out about missing workouts and skip off days until I finally was just wiped out and cranky. Needless to say he doesn't want that to happen again and is worried about the impact of juggling training and two little kids will have on all of us. But I don't want it to happen again either; so we have reached a compromise. We are both planning to do a 5k road race to benefit Children's Hospital at the end of May. Then I will sign up for a sprint tri in July and after we see how things are going possibly more in August/early Sept. I am only planning to do sprints this year, since I want to ensure that I can handle the distance and the training required (I know I can handle the swim in an Oly and probably the bike, but the run kills me). I think the King is happy with this approach and I know that I am. I don't want to be crazy workout lady again, but I like working towards goals. Goals are good.
The new year brought for me the realization that my youngest was almost a year old and therefore my excuse for being out of shape was quickly diminishing. So Andy and I got serious about getting in shape - through dieting and working out more. And it is working (diet and exercise - who knew?). I have reached my pre-pregnancy weight but am a few pounds up from my goal weight and I fit in to the clothes that I wanted to fit into, and actually have needed to buy some new stuff because I'm smaller than I've been in a while. I am really glad about this (actually its pretty huge for someone who has always struggled with weight), but the last few days I have been feeling pretty bad about my appearance and diet again. Maybe its because I have basically stopped dieting even though I have a few pounds to go, or maybe its because I haven't worked out the last couple days. Or maybe I'm starting to get nervous about training (and having the time to train). I don't know. And I know that a couple days off from training and a couple days of over-indulgence won't ruin everything, but I wish the two didn't happen in synch. I could justify the elaborate meal that Andy and I will have on our date night tonight if I knew I put some miles in today... but I need to relax. I think that part of the problem is that I am better when I have a plan, which is not to say that I am so rigid that I need to plan out every minute thing, but I need a general training plan and some races to shoot for to feel like I am working towards something. I have earmarked a few races, but haven't signed up fir anything because we have some family things to sort out (planning birthday parties and vacations...). And I haven't committed to a training plan yet because the ones I have found have either been too easy to too time consuming. I need a training plan that is challenging in intensity but doesn't require the 9-12 workouts per week that my former plan followed. I ordered a book from Amazon (Time Saving Training for Multisport Athletes) that my fellow triathletes recommended, and I hope that this book will help me modify the training plan I used previously to meet my time limitations. I think that if I get the training plan sorted out and the races decided upon then I will be more focused, and the eating thing will hopefully fall into line as well. Here's to hoping!
So yesterday I had a kisk-ass workout day. I got on a bike for the first time in years (granted for a spinning class, but it was a good workout and a good re-introduction to the term "saddle sore"). After spinning class I lifted. I have been following the advise of a great trainer who answers all kinds of questions on triathlete.com's forum for my lifting workouts. He has recommended certain exercises, but also suggested that triathletes need only to do one set of 12-15 reps for each exercise, as long as the weight is heavy enough that your muscles fatigue by that 12-15th rep. He said that this strategy builds muscle without bulk. Rock on! It has totally changed the way I lift and I can get through a lifting workout quite quickly. Yesterday I really pushed myself and I felt like a total stud.Today however I was sore. I have done little more than take an hour long leisurely stroll with the boys. And I have eaten a lot - mostly in the evening. I am feeling really full and sluggish right now. Like all my hard work from yesterday was erased by today. :-(Aaaaahh well... tomorrow is another day.
Last week someone posted a message on the forum at triathlete.com asking folks to describe their motivation, Its a pretty tricky question. I can tell you that four years ago when I was training for my first Olympic distance race (1 mi swim, 25 mi bike, 6 mi run) my motivation was to train a lot and prove to myself that I could complete and compete in a race that challenging. Pretty simple motivation, but it got me out of bed to go to the gym (or on the bike, or to the track) and kept me from drinking all summer long. But now I'm not sure what my motivation is. A comeback? I guess, but I don't anticipate I'll be competing t the same level since I don't anticipate training as much. Its kind of funny for me to talk about competing at the same level, since I've always been a mid-packer, but I am one of those people who likes to measure progress. I may finish 50th in a race, but as long as my times have improved (and I haven't come in dead last, of course) then I am pretty happy with the result. So what is my motivation when my expectation is that my times won't improve at all? I guess to see how close I can get with the amount of training that I can do. And to get in better shape, of course. I wish getting in better shape was my only motivation, but I am a competitor by nature, even if I'm only competing with my past.
priorities are tough sometimes. For instance, I clearly decided that my first priority is my family when I stopped working over a year ago to be home with my two (well then 1.5) little men. And I love being home most days. My kids are very high energy and the almost three year old never stops, but they are fun and smart and pretty good kids.
But before I was a mommy I was a triathlete, and this year I have decided that I need to reclaim that title. The hubby is a little nervous about the impact that the training will have, but I have already assured him that I don't have delusions of working out 10-15 hours per week like I did before we had a family. And I think that I can be more efficient with my workouts now (or atleast I'm hoping to find a way to be). And I have also re-set my expectations a bit that I probably will be slower than I was when I raced four years ago and trained as much as I wanted.
In fact, I missed most of my workouts this week. My 11 month old had the stomach flu. Even though the hubby tried to send me off to the gym after he returned from work a night this week, I didn't have it in me (up a lot the night before with the baby, and the two year old is healthy as can be and super-charged now that the warm weather has come). And now I seem to have a touch of the aforementioned stomach flu. uuuuugh.
Did I want to plop the guys in daycare at the gym and hope that the little one held it together while I got a quick workout in? Absolutely. Did I do it? Absolutely not.
its all about the priorities... but I am really glad I got a good pilates tape.
I guess it was kind of a bet or a joke, but after I finished my first 5K run in March of 1999, the King (aka husband) said I should become a triathlete, since I swam competitively in my younger years and loved to bike. I laughed it off at first, but he planted a seed.
So I did it. In July of 1999 I competed in a 'women only' sprint distance triathlon (that's .75K Swim - 20K Bike - 5K Run). My goal was to finish without walking, although some small part of me wanted to finish in a reasonable amount of time. I don't remember what my goal time was that day, but I know that I beat it. The thing that is forever with me is the pride - the feeling of achievement - that consumed me as I crossed the finish line. Triathlon is an addictive sport, and I'm hooked. I can't say what compels me to train or makes me "tri", but I know that one of my proudest moments was when my mom, sister and sister-in-law joined me by competing as a relay in a race in Chicago. The whole family was there to cheer us on.
In the summer of 2002 I decided to get pretty serious about training (as much as a mid-packer could...), and I competed in many races that summer, including my longest triathlon yet. It was an Olympic distance race in the Berkshire mountains of western Mass. The race was a 1 mile swim, 25 mile bike (with an elevation change of 900 feet) and a 6.2 mile run through the woods. I finished the race about seven minutes faster that I thought I would, but it was hard!
About a month after the Berkshire Olympic race in 2002 I got pregnant with Devin, so I took some time off. I had hoped to make a come back in 2004, but my priorities were shifted by our move to the new house in June and then by my getting pregnant a month later. Then Henry was born in April 2005, so I'm planning my triathlon comeback for this summer. I recognize that I will not have the time to dedicate to training that I had previously, but I look forward to getting back into racing. Let the training begin!
So the husband asked me what my blog was called and when I told him, "Midpack Mama" he looked at me with a blank expression one would expect from one unfamiliar with the language that I was speaking. This from the man who has shared my life for eight years and is part of the reason I entered the sport (and the life , frankly) that would lead me to become a "midpack mama". I explained to him that in the sport of triathlon I am a mid-packer; certainly not leading the pack, but not bringing up the tail either. He advised me that none of my friends and readers would understand this, so I had best explain it here too.
But I got to thinking about the mid-pack thing, and have come to believe that I am a mid-packer in things such as politics and parenting style as well. Politically speaking, I think I romantically fancy myself a liberal (after all, I certainly was in my slightly crunchy, idealistic college and post-college days), but in actuality I am truly a moderate. I tend to embrace a "free to be you and me" attitude towards policies that impact others. Gay marriage - who does it hurt, really? Abortion - not for me, but wouldn't go back to a time of coat hangers and dangerous situations for those who feel they need one. I guess I think that I am not the one to judge another person's life or their decisions. But when considering fiscal policies, I am the first to appreciate the financial benefits that a more conservative government can bring. For instance, we are getting a larger tax return than expected simply because we have another child. Love that! Guess we'll have to have even more! (although not anytime soon, since I have my hands seriously full right now)
Which brings me to parenting style. Now that I've been home with the boys for more than a year, I have had much more opportunity to interact with other parents and get a feel for parenting styles. This had led me to believe that I am pretty laid back when it comes to my children's' independence, meaning I give them both a pretty long leash. This sometimes back-fires and has led to more than a few bumps and bruises for the little men, but I want them to try new things too. On the other hand, I think I tend to expect a lot from my kids (well at least from Prince WIlliam. Prince Henry is still too young, but he'll learn). I am probably more demanding of Wills than many of the moms I interact with are of their kids. I think that goes back to the independence thing too. While I'm certainly not negligent, I want my kids to learn to take care of themselves, which at two and a half means you can put your clothes in the hamper and clean up your toys (you certainly knew where they were when you got them, so put them back there). So a mid-packer in more ways than one - who knew?
So I finally set this up after months of deliberation (will I use it? will I have time to post? do I have anything meaningful to write about?) and a promise to myself that I will indeed make regular updates to our family website after I had neglected it for nine months. However, its close to 11:30pm and since my two and a half year old seems to wake with the sun (when will the time change finally happen?!?), I'm just posting a quick note. Welcome. More to come...