What's in a Name?


Thankful - Day 16

My sister and some friends on Facebook are doing "Thirty Days of Thankful" for the month of November. Each day they are posting something in their lives for which they are grateful. I decided to do the same, but will write it here instead.

Day 16

My birthday was in September, and at the time my very wonderful and generous girlfriends gave me gift certificates to some really great stores (two of my favorites, actually).  I had been so busy with training and school activities with the kids, that I had no chance to use these gift certificates.  Until today, when I had one of the most uplifting and successful shopping trips.  That may sound strange, but when you are unhappy with or unaccepting of your body, shopping for clothes can be a bit demoralizing.  Today I am thankful for generous girlfriends and fun shopping days.  May they carry through to swim suit season!!

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