What's in a Name?


Thankful - Day 5

My sister and some friends on Facebook are doing "Thirty Days of Thankful" for the month of November. Each day they are posting something in their lives for which they are grateful. I decided to do the same, but will write it here instead.

Day 5
Tonight we had a very interesting conversation with the kids about the election.  Andy and I attempted to distinguish the differences between the Republican and the Democratic parties as we interpret them.  We posed different questions to the boys about the social and fiscal issues, using terms that we thought they would understand.  The result was that the boys, and Devin in particular, agreed that choosing who to vote for was a hard choice.  I could not agree more.  But tonight, on the eve of the presidential election, I am thankful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to express my choice.

Side note: During our conversation, we were talking about the Democratic and Republican parties, and each time we said "party", Isabel would give a little "whoop, whoop" and wave her arms in the air.  Priceless.

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